Server population is an emergency that needs to be dealt with

Wish I never did the free transfer off of Grob for Eranikus on all my characters but that queue time was brutalllllll

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Blizzard never promised you a balanced server, they promised you access to a server that doesn’t take 4 hours to log into.

The hilarious part is I’m pretty sure Sulfuras and Skyfury are still locked despite heavily declining population. Ironforgepro is showing 1628 for Skyfury. TOTAL. That’s very low.

Sulfuras is 3% alliance 97% horde atm and locked with less than 7k. My human priest is on Sulfuras and I can confirm it’s quite dead Alliance side.

How are they this bad at handling the servers? Between the neglected server locks and the time of mega queues classic must have lost 30%+ of it’s playerbase.

Personally, I went back to playing retail. DF is actually pretty great IMO.


Yeah…I live and learn that lesson too.

I was able to fix horde, whiteman later on is a nice home for them.

its alliance that has me stuck. The only viable option is atiesh, but I was there. its 0300 cali time is not much better than OB’s.

Anyone know what the actual largest server is for each respective faction? You can’t really trust the ‘‘full’’ or whatever it says on the right of them.

Only blizzard knows.

Ironforge “guesses” off logs. But, yes, not all log.

I know form some av’s we lost hope in the cave before start seeing our 12+ posse of bot dk’s…we chatted. some of us on now 4+ matches seeing the thing knew them well. so…it was lets be social time.

Faerlina is not hiding 1000’s of non logging alliance was confirmed by the faerline alliance in the AV lol.

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Blizzard doesn’t care about server management. They gave players a paid option to transfer. They’ll just do nothing and let players pay them extra.

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So when I select the server I play on, and I select my race and class, how is this blizzards mismanagement? They have NEVER chosen my race, class or server selection.

OP - you keep repeating how they made “promises”. Yet, in the very body of the quote you referenced you fail to see this part:

You realize what it means when they say it’ll take some time, right?

You claim to work in some form of management, but you fail to understand the basic meaning of how they’re acknowledging a problem and are indicating they’re seeking to address it.

To be clear - I think they’re dropping the ball something fierce in a lot of ways, but I have as of yet to see them make any “promises” you keep blathering about.

it only lasted for two weeks.

In their mind of course

Azuresong dwindled to a slim populace after free transfers were offered.
I imagine that Blizzard will merge them into clusters similar to Classic Era at some point at the end of ICC or for the release of Cata Classic if they go that route.

You really are trash. You could literally say that about any person on the planet. They are incentivised to keep their job. You like to trash and troll blizzard we get it. Saying stupid crap like that after all the stupid crap about the curve system blizz uses being a direct incentive to try harder but being unfair. But then say they don’t have any reason to do their jobs because you are upset about something. Next time I guess you idiots won’t dogpile onto mega servers.

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Did you read their conversations? They literally told us what they are going to do to address the problems. They explicitly promised targeted transfers, referencing the specific transfer to Sulfuras that was re-instated after they said they were going to try and stabilize the Alliance population.

They also said they need to be heavy handed in ensuring no problems are caused later down the road. There’s server populations problems everywhere!

They’ve had 6 months since launch to figure out a solution. Their inaction is only causing more problems.

They’ll probably close the servers and move the characters to whatever destination server they want to.

That’s what they did with 22 PVP servers at the end of TBCC and I suspect that Sulfuras is still locked to incoming transfers only because there are so many abandoned characters sitting on the server after Blizzard force-transferred them there and I think Blizzard has the opinion that they may at some point get played again.

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It’s unfair to put this on the players. The players want to go where everyone else goes because if they DONT, the realm will eventually die. Why stay on a low pop realm when everyone will just migrate to a higher pop realm? Why stay on a imbalanced PvP realm and get dominated by the opposing faction?

  1. RDF would help low pop realms will leveling, but we don’t have it. This creates an incentive for players to go to a high pop realm.
  2. Faction imbalance that is not an even 50/50 would eventually result in one faction dominating the other. Time to switch realms!
  3. Uh-Oh my server population is 40/60 - no one is going to come to an imbalanced server, therefore my server will inevitably die. Time to jump ship and transfer!
  4. No one to raid with, no one to run dungeons with, no one to PvP with. Why am I subscribing to a game where I can’t find players to complete content with? Time to transfer servers.

These are the biggest reasons why players are forced to transfer servers. If Blizzard actively managed server populations, we would have a much healthier game and players like myself would not be stuck on dead realms. We also wouldn’t be in constant fear of our server dying.

I don’t know what the solution is, and I don’t claim to know. All I know is that this situation is no longer tenable.


Show me -anywhere- where they said “we promise” or even an implication of a promise?

I assure you you’re going to be hard pressed to find it outside of your own weird interpretation of their statements.

They’re acknowledging things are in a bad state and they’re trying to address them. That’s what I read.

Also - you keep placing blame on Blizzard when the server imbalance is strictly on the players to blame. Not one time has blizzard “forced” anyone to transfer or play on a specific server.

If you go and try to say they’re responsible for the queues then you’re drunk.

And again - to reiterate - they’ve been dropping the ball a lot lately. But, your nonsense is comical in thinking they’ve promised anything.

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rolls away in wheelchair

No way that was only two weeks.

Was their job to keep a balanced pvp server? What happens when that lack of balance was from alliance quitting? Gonna force them to stay logged in?