Server population is an emergency that needs to be dealt with

Choosing to profit off of a problem you’re enabling makes you part of the problem. Putting it all on the players isn’t telling the full story.

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Players chose to use optional services and caused the explosion of populations into mega realms at the expense of otherwise fine realms. How did blizzard cause this? by offering an optional service?

What are your ideas for how they should have caught this back in classic?
lock realms? - see how well the community took to this when they did it.
Set caps on factions? - people quit over time which creates a need for constant monitoring of active players to open/close a realm based on that. This also exacerbates faction desparity more as what happens when one faction dips? reopen the realm? for how long? What happens when players who took a break come back and their spot is gone on that server?

This to me is the one case where yes, it is actually on the players for causing and not blizzard.

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Server management = “make people play where I want them to play”.

This is an awful solution whenever anybody says it.

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To each their own, I think the population balance would be better off if there wasn’t an option for fickle FOMO transfers. I don’t have the numbers so I can’t say whether FOMO outnumbers “I just want to play with my friends” type transfers.

Locking the megarealms was a great start. We made it further into Wrath than we did TBC before the dead realm chatter started up. They caved and opened up a lot of the higher pop realms though.

Transfers should be used to bolster failing pops not as lifeboats. I’ll put it on Blizzard on ways to incentivize players to transfer to lower pop realms since wow players don’t do anything without a reward. But as long as they’re profiting why should they?


First response was Bloom LOL.

I get that this is annoying, but it’s better than asking someone to redo 100+ hours of effort just to switch servers.

Blizzard would rather sell server xfers than actually fix problems in the game. It’s the short term profit meta most gaming companies have now adopted, and the white knights on here eat it up and think they are doing it for them.

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Ever heard of the game Lemmings?

Blizzard is god in this situation, we all knew where the players were headed, Blizzard is the one that didn’t do anything to prevent the players from walking off the edge.


it’s too little too late on the whole siding with the player base thing now. The most you can do to make up for it is to actually post about our issues in the community council forum now, perhaps a blue will bother to read it in 3 or 4 months.

Thats easy to say after the fact for sure.

The solution is to never have had realms transfers as an option. Which would have worked great before this but at this point is not a solution.

The potential for free moves from high pop to targeted low pop realms was given out before and it was hardly utilized, due to player choice. Nobody wanted to go the realms players had already killed or labelled as “dead”, another community caused issue.

Essentially if you are going to blame blizzard for player choice, you are by extension asking for blizzard to choose for you in terms of server and faction. Any fix to this is way past being viable.


blizzard when choosing between actually fixing issues in classic vs just putting in cash shop features and retail features:


Anti- Rdfers and other white knights for blizz getting called out circa the 90’s:


No, you don’t get it. They want Blizzard to choose for other people. Not them.


I agree with you on a lot of these points. It’s too late for easy fixes. The effort Blizzard would have to put in at this point would be extreme. Shutting off transfers at this point would only cause people to unsubscribe.

Incentives for transfers could work but it’s take a fair bit of work to ensure they’re tied to realms that need love and not just funneled back to realms that don’t.

Ideas for incentives (locked to realm or character that transferred)

Free upgrades to deluxe edition
Free mounts/toys probably the same offerings as given for 6 months/1 year subs
Free boost to level 30-40 on the targeted realm
Free repairs, guaranteed dungeon boxes regardless of role for 90 days
Free charters for guilds/guild banks for those that are GMs of guilds over a certain threshold for size.

Make up for what now?

I’ve done my part, Blizzard didn’t give a crap back then either.
I’ve been screaming at Blizzard non-stop, I’m just waiting out my CC membership at this point.


Would any of this get you to move from Benediction to Sulfuras if you were Alliance?

The only think that MIGHT convince people to move to smaller realms is a guarantee that the can transfer back to their mega realms, for free, for any reason, after three months.

PVP faction imbalance is a more difficult challenge. Honestly, pvp ruleset for the server should just be disabled if one faction falls below 30%. As for incentives for PVP players I don’t know as a PVE player. Can’t you do pretty much everything but wpvp xrealm now?

It’s the only one that really matters IMO. As a fellow PvE player, having the other faction on the server does absolutely nothing for me.

But, lets take PvP out of it. Would any of the things you listed get you to move from, say, Mankrik to Old Blanchy?

As someone that moved from Mankrik to Bloodsail I’m going to go out on a limb and say I’m not your target audience for that question.


That’s fair.