Server merge: New server, or existing server?

The blue post sounds like they’ll be merging everything to a currently existing server of each type (PVP/PVE)

The wowhead post added their own flavor and made it sound like they’ll be opening two brand new servers and dumping everyone into those.

My hunch of hunches says it will be an existing server. What do you think?

Edit: Wowhead has since edited their post to match the intention of the blue post. I’m muting this topic since I can’t delete it.

I thought there were making everything more CRZ.

clearly they will be new servers for a couple reasons.

  1. Our server/outsider treatment
  2. uncoupled from ERA for long term support
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It’s their way of soft forcing people to transfer. So you can either bite the bullet and risk your name, or be stuck on a terminally ill server with no new blood.

Server merge doesn’t really uncouple it from Era. It’s just a new virtual server no different than all the others.

The problem with Era is SoD has always shared a base-client and Database.

why would they make new servers :expressionless: they’re just gonna pick the most popular PvP server and PvE server and use those.


Mega server like in Retail.

You’ll keep your name and server, you’ll just all be combined into one.

They have that ability on Retail now, no reason not to use it for you guys.

if those servers are uncoupled from era it will

Even the most popular server has 30,000 stranded names

Their announcement suggested that all players will be given a free transfer to one of two new mega servers and all old servers will be locked.

Why do you keep saying this? They didn’t say anything about making a new SoD client.

i hope it’s living flame

If they do I would assume Crusaderstrike and Wildgrowth will be the 2 servers. But they also said origin realms will remain but be closed to new players so they may just add 2 new servers and give everyone free xfers to those servers.

that would be odd :expressionless: in SoM they just had everyone transfer to the most popular PvP/PvE realm.

I would prefer keeping my guild from disbanding on Wild Growth, it would be annoying to re-form 40 people so I hope that’s the case.

it doesn’t need a new client. They have said that after this is over we can’t go to era, that means they need servers for us and with the multitude of issues caused to era and hardcore they have to be decoupled. There has also been additional hints at classic + which would also need to be decoupled.

It does need a new client to “decouple” from era. New servers would have absolutely nothing to do with this lmfao. You have zero idea what you’re talking about.

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there wont be new servers… people parroting this are idiots


blizz literally said there would be

Except they literally didn’t and you’re just parroting wrong information… You people are freaking idiots doubling down on something you didn’t even read cause someone else said it.


The other reason they will be new servers is to give everyone the same opportunity to select the server type they want. They won’t pick winners and losers. New servers is the cleanest.