Server merge: New server, or existing server?

What does moving off a pvp sever have to do with them making new servers??? There’s literally only wild growth for PVE in north and south america why would they make everyone move off wild growth for no reason


because they have to lol

specifically the bit “These free transfers and all origin realms will remain available for the rest of Season of discovery, but with the origin realms closed to new players.”

To my reading comprehension, and that of many others, that means new servers, and all already existing server will be closed to new players. All, and origin being the keywords there.

aside from that mate there is no reason to get this worked up over debating server count…

Unfortunately the horde can’t comprehend what they read… Zoomers and all…

You keep your server name ? that sounds non-sense.

I love that Blizzard still hasn’t clarified this for you all. Keep paying that sub!