Server died, not worth transferring

Diablo 2 won’t run on my system so I had to refund it or I would already be gone… so I’m sticking around 2 more months until I get a new system… and then I won’t be playing Diablo 2. I’ll be playing back for blood because diablo 2 is 20 years old and the new paint job isn’t going to change that much. If have to reinvest for a new system… I’m buying a game that looks like it’s made for it.

The way I see it… why pay 75 bucks to transfer. Pay another whatever for a monthly fee when I can just go buy something else and enjoy it without the parse lords and dead servers. I tried… it died… I flied.


Smart lad. Don’t give these slobs any more of your hard earned coin. Let them burn.


Diablo 2 is endlessly fun tho?

Because merging the servers or offering free transfers doesn’t do anything to effect player attrition rates.

Everyone assumes that there are actions they can take that would make less people leave. There isn’t. The game is old.

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That’s a pretty ridiculous statement. “Game is old, no one wants to play it.” Are you quoting from the Wall of No?

Connections would absolutely help player retention.


Yeah, the fact that people deny this just shows how out of touch they are


It was a 6 month recurring subscription that was put in place when I began playing Classic. What is the shrug for? It is no longer recurring as I cancelled it. But I still have about 5 months left on it.

Wow hot take from a cold brain

Yeah, I guess you still do. You basically paid $83 for one month of play-time and then the ability to post on these forums for the next five months about how much you hate Blizzard.


I did this with BFA, I thought i would like it but did not. I walked away after 3 weeks and once on awhile attempted to talk myself into just leveling my Vanilla main but never did. To be fair I never even looked at the forums either.

What exactly is your point when replying to this poster?

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Wait, you paid for a 6-month subscript to a game you didn’t know you would like and walked away after 3 weeks?

Correct, because I played the rest of the expansions that much so that was the reasoning. Unfortunately BFA just was not my thing. When I came back to Classic I thought the same thing would happen so I subbed for one month only but thankfully I loved Classic.

That poster probably didn’t know what would happen to Netherwind horde. Throwing more money for a fix isn’t something they want to do and thats fine. I’d suggest rerolling but if they just don’t want to play that’s fine and they can post here if they want to.

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The decision to unsubscribe only came recently. I was holding out hope, but it appears I was foolish to think that Blizz would make a change.

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Sorry, but you only have yourself to blame.

Don’t ride the hype train next time.

Holding out hope for what? This is exactly how it was back in Vanilla TBC.

I wasn’t complaining about that sub money and never have, that 100% was on me. For that matter, this probably happens a lot. That’s why they do the free gift with a 6-month sub thing. Do you have any idea how many people just let subs bill every month without even using the service? I actually used to run a sub-based business so I know… I’d frequently get the money until their credit cards expired.

Anyway, that was more my point. Almost everyone does that so there’s no point in making fun of someone for it.

Kathandira has already explained the reason for unsubbing and no longer playing the game but still posting on the forums.

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I am happy to say that I have never in my entire life bought a deluxe type of package for anything–even a product I thought was worthwhile. Because, ultimately, I know it will have zero affect on my game.

No vanity pets, no vanity mounts, none of that.

I do not have those numbers in front of me, no.

I believe this. I’ve worked as a telemarketer. I’d call people who were members of X organization about renewing their subscription and some would tell me they don’t even remember subscribing.

You might be able to get a refund since it’s such a long time. Worth a shot

40 dollars to play wow another month (15 sub 25 transfer) or exact same price to play New World, and never pay a sub fee ever again. choice is simple.

n o 1 c a r e s

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