Server D/Cs

I keep getting booted offline and the launcher keeps trying to reconnect but failing. I am still online and the internet loads fine. Any word on this?



Basically unplayable due to dc’s.

You’re not alone. Both my accounts have crashed about 5 times now. Same exact thing.

Same happened to me during Soulbinder WQ. Finally got back in and quest marked as complete and can’t get it again.

Same thing has been happening to me for almost an hour now, it’s nice to know I’m not alone, but there hasn’t been word about it yet.

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I’ve been on for an hour, playing fine. I’m in Australia. Where are you folks and which ISP? Sometimes this sort of thing can be a network issue with an ISP in an area that spills over into networks connected to them. The info I’ve asked for would be useful for the support folks here to track down anything the tech folks have on disconnect reports.

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I’ve been playing for a number of hours without any issues. I’m in Canada.

What country/state are you in?
Who is your ISP?
Have you run a tracert/pathping/winmtr?

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There seems to have been a couple of issues with a specific ISP overnight that resulted in disconnections. That ISP resolved those issues as they occurred, however in the future it would be best to create a thread like this in the Technical Support forums.

Providing this information in your post often helps identify a trend much more quickly. :slight_smile:

As things have cleared up though, I’m going to go ahead and lock this down.