Server Balance: Admins, do something!

I’m on the Heartseeker server. There are as many level 60 Alliance characters on the server as there are Horde level 30+ COMBINED, and the level 60s are camping out and killing Horde like crazy (to the point that we can’t progress). Just dozens of level 30s, going around and killing level 20s/30s for no reason.

Admins, aren’t you supposed to be managing these transfers onto the servers (a large number just transferred into the server), and making sure the balance on the server is fair? How about enforcing decent gameplay? Every five minutes a major city / camp / outpost is ransacked and everyone is killed, and your admins are doing nothing about it. DO SOMETHING.

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PvP happened on a PvP server.


And pray tell, what do you want them to do?


Coward Alliance, they are all the ones that ran from other realms and screwed over the ones brave enough to stay.


I xfered off stalagg today because of the imbalance…sucks to see alliance is doing what horde did to us there, I’d like to see more horde in heartseeker and have a balanced server :confused:

This isn’t a private server. There are no admins.

Blizzard concerns themselves with overall game health, not specific servers, except in rare cases, and never with faction balance.


Post on your Alliance character on one of these servers or let me guess you are easy mode horde.

LOL, why the hell should “admins” do anything about PVP on a PVP server?

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I am Horde, I did not want nor ask for “easy mode”. I picked the server because it was newly opened by Blizzard a few hours before launch and I had my characters reserved on the streamer server prior to that (before the streamers said they would go there). At the time I made my character, nobody had any idea how unbalanced the server would be, if it even was at the time, new characters will still being created as I was waiting for a level 6 scorpion to respawn.

My point was because a bunch of Alliance ran away, it has screwed over both the Alliance (numbers even fewer) and Horde (easier and more boring) and I was insulting them for doing what they did. I would of said the exact same thing had the factions been reversed. So get over yourself.

Roll horde on heartseeker to prove you aren’t a coward.


I think most took the free transfers so they could actually play. Getting home from work and logging in to play only to be stuck in a 2-7 hour queue isn’t gonna work for anyone.

As for faction imbalance. They have never addressed that in their game, don’t expect them to do so now.


No, that’s not the job of admins at all, and I’m not really sure why you would think they are supposed to be maintaining server faction balance.

Why does anyone willingly choose to play on a PvP server? This happens to all of them… eventually one side “wins” the server by making life progressively more miserable for the underdogs.

Even before that point the “PvP” is just horrible. People just walk around ganking one another. I’ll never understand it.


I would if not for my whole friend’s list being on this one. And yes, I asked them to transfer to no avail. My alt is on Heartseeker though if that’s worth anything (and not the dominant faction, Alliance).

There are some that stay close to 50/50, its pretty nice.

Where is your proof?

So you are the coward, rolled Horde knowing it would be overpopulated, got it.

Why dont your reroll Alliance on Skeram and show us you supreme pvp chops boyo?

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Obviously we need to select a few servers and designate them with a warning label to tell people that player vs player activity can happen on them. Maybe we could designate them as “PvP servers”. Much similar to how we designate Roleplaying servers, and PvE servers.


Imagine rolling on Skeram and acting like that makes you a hotshot. “Yeah, I rolled Skeram with a bunch of people who didn’t want to play Faerlina or Herod with the good people.”

Fun fact: Grizzly specifically rolled Skeram because when Light’s Hope (Formerly Elysium) rolled around they talked a bunch of crap and ended up being like a server fourth guild. They picked a server that has a bunch of bodies who don’t know what they’re doing, but lack enough skill to present an actual threat.

What are you even on about. Grizzly isn’t on Skeram.