Server Balance: Admins, do something!

Sorry, meant Stalagg. Same thing really. Both servers that are 2nd generation servers with unimpressive players.



This isn’t actually true, Horde is currently the favored faction and has been for awhile. That is just going to carry over into Classic.

Also, the 3 most popular classes in Vanilla are Mage, Rogue and Warrior. The most popular race for Mage and Rogue is Undead, for Warrior it’s Orc. Do the math.

If anyone was concerned about faction balance would of known this and if they didn’t want to contribute to the imbalance would of played Alliance like I chose to do even though I prefer Horde and my friends are Horde.

How I got that from what I said I don’t know, but you do you.


Anyways, still why havent you rerolled alliance on Skeram. You are calling them cowards, so why are you not on Skeram as Alliance?

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Payback for Skeram? Horde clearly doesn’t like it when the shoe is on the other foot.

DO SOMETHING :joy: :smile::rofl:


Be me
Needs to stay Horde to play with friends.
Goes to IF to PvP so it’s not boring and one sided (in Horde favor) like BRM.
Random blood elf and draenei insults.
Explain reasoning.
Too triggered to listen.
Oh well.

I can’t take the two of you very seriously.


Blizz should just take away character creation and the next time you log in you get assigned a character. Boom problem solved!

Assigned a faction. I don’t want to play as some dumb race.

Hey he wanted ideas! Never specified they had to be good ideas

Nope. They don’t get to dictate where people roll or transfer. Admins, gms, no one at blizz will do nothing about this. It is player choice. Maybe appeal to horde players to transfer or roll on your server to balance it out?

PvP happened on a PvP server. Next.

Short of faction specific pop caps at queue/layering there’s not very much blizzard can do.

I heard you! And rerolled the less populated faction on Faerlina. What are you doing to solve your problems?

Also, starting a guild <Balance> message me in game to come and join. We are a reroll guild, helping to restore balance to PVP servers. Come and join us, if you care about actually doing something about the problem you’re complaining about.

I never understand these posts. What is Blizzard supposed to do? Historically, what have they ever done about faction imbalance? And not to be redundant but PVP happens on PVP servers. Live with it.

As many others said, pvp happens on pvp servers, and you can’t seem to cope with it.

You should do like I did, and roll a pve server. It’s so nice to quest without being ganged ganked and corpse camped.

Or deal with it.