I’m an old, gay, dying man… I don’t use any of those words. That’s foolish. Now if you’d like to discuss language, I’d love to sit down and pop a bottle of wine and discuss Keats.
Otherwise, symantics are for the dim-witted. Unless I call you an uncultured swine, I’m not thinking it dear.
Correct, sorry, I mistaked it for syntax. Like I said, I’m old and dying. If you want me to be grammatically correct, take sixty years off my life and cure my cancer. While you’re at it, maybe you can cure my HIV too.
Feel free to, I’m old enough to admit when I’m wrong dear. If you can’t, well… I won’t say anything else. It’s clear some people were either born, or simply taught, to only be combative.
Oh, I’m not allowed to clap back? Please, I’ve had to defend bars from idiots with guns who thought gettin’ a lil’ summin’ summin’ was worth killing us for. In fact, I’m kinda glad I’mma die… I won’t have to see any more damned straights.
And I was born in that hellhole we call Missouri, so don’t start with me boy.
I’m most certain they wouldn’t count me amoungst their dysfunctional ranks, otherwise their little heads would spin. And though that would be quite a sight, I’d rather sit here and sip my Tom Collin’s while mindlessly levelling my Weapon Skills.