Seriously why must you mess with the portals... they were just fine

what seems off to me is why there is a silvermoon/exodar portal in the capital city portal room and in the pyramid/boralus rooms. i feel one of them could of been better used to get to caverns of time or to karazhan

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Because outside of Zandalari trolls or Kul Tirans (i’m assuming as I don’t play Alliance), low level players don’t have access to Dazar’alor / Boralus, so they need those portals in their faction capital.

Since CoT and Karazhan don’t have any story connection to BFA cities, there’s no reason those places would have the appropriate portals.

Yea if its not broke they need to break it.

As another example same with mounts. They mess with things that are not urgently needing attention yet leave many problems turning off players alone until the next expansion.

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They’ve always funneled people into Stormwind and Orgrimmar, what planet have you been on? Even when there are new cities and hubs with an explansion, Stormwind and Orgrimmar is always where they have transmog and other exclusive things other cities don’t have.

This is a comical post. Ty.

And how has that been improved in any way by increasing travel time to some locations? The world is still just as empty as it used to be. The only thing that would change that is if they added more content throughout the world and adding meaning to going to these older zones beyond going to some old raid or dungeon as quickly as possible.

yeah that’s the same logic and reasoning they used to create pathfinder

Now ask yourself why they NEED to funnel everyone into two cities.

As someone who regularly runs old content, the portal change hasn’t affected me very much at all. Outside of the “oops, I went to the wrong place, better fly the other direction for 15 seconds.”

The Alliance Portal Tower is, however, much cooler than the Hordes Portal Cubby.

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Someone did the math and it adds about 3 minutes per toon in travel time. If you only go there once a week, that’s not a big deal. But if you’re farming mounts or pets or transmog, and you have 8-10 alts, that’s now 24-30min of “play” time where you’re sitting there browsing reddit on your phone (or staring blankly at the screen as you’re taxi’d over the same exact path over and over).

Some people think this is fine and worthy of being called game play. Others think it’s nothing more than an unskippable cinematic and a pointless time sink.


it literally has happened.
what are you even griping about?
it’s on the ptr, and will be live next week.

that is the exact opposite of “hasn’t happened”.

(oh yep, my bad, i guess people just want everything thrown into the game without any sort of testing… so they’ve got something to complain about when it doesn’t work the way they want it to)

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Its smoke and mirror approach , they do stuff just to look like there doing something , Think is your character any better now than it was 10 years ago… yeah your a higher level and your gear item level is higher but is your character any more powerful compared to mobs at the time ? I really don’t think so , The 1000’s of class changed over the last 14+ year have really not amounted to much at all.

What happens they give with one hand and take away with the other … same with portals they give you new in major citys with one hand and take away from the rest of the world with the other … So it looks like there actually doing something…

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Something to speed that up,would be to buy the non engineering molle from the garrison engineering building.

Didn’t they change all of the garrison engineering gizmos to only work in Draenor?

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You’re getting that back on Tuesday. Stop complaining and just get used to it. Grow up a little bit and spend 5 minutes flying.

If you mean this one, yeah, looks like it’s Draenor only as of Sept 2016.

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Oh well then I stand corrected.

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kind of annoying now to have to fly all the way over from shattrath for the striking back daily.

talklng to zidormi to change the zone to the older blasted lands then trying to walk thru the dark portal isn’t working for me; i have to use the shattrath portal, fly back to the HFP dark portal , kill the mob then i can at least use the portal back to SW to turn in the daily

link to bug report thread about broken dark portal:

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No I can’t.