Seriously (or not, lol), who do you think is the player base?

I see ‘player base’ mentioned over and over again in threads and am not sure if anyone really knows.

Personally, I do admit to thinking the end-gamers are a minority, but fairly speaking they seem to be the majority of who’s left posting. The generation thing is a bunch of hooey imo. I think there are more solo’s than most would care to admit as well as the casual that plays all kinds of content, but in bursts of time a week. I don’t think the answer is generational or the casual vs. endgamers. And the ‘git gud’ crowd need a dunk in the duck pond. The silent majority might just be the ones that play and don’t even show up on the forums.

Thoughts? Input? I mean if we’re going to keep using the word ‘player-base’ all the time who the hell are they?


I started of doing raids in BC, then pvp for some time, then casual then raids again then m+ now im doing other stuff, i cant see my self doing raids for 17+ years cuz im not a robot


I know for certain that the playerbase consists of beings which are all older than -1 years old and younger than 130 years old, have some sort of physical body, intake food in some way, intake water in some way, eject processed food and water in some way, and will die eventually.


I wouldn’t doubt 50%+ of the player base is just complete casuals. And I mean that in the “how hardcore they play” sense, not the “how often they play” sense.

Though it’s hard to believe given how Blizzard sells to them but in an almost imposed-deprecating way. Then they sell to the extreme hardcore players exactly how they want.

Thus I conclude based on Blizzard’s track record that I have no idea.


The player base is the million or so people who play the game. The majority never enter notes in the note files, here Reddit, etc, and never go to any conventions. They just log in and play.

There is a very vocal minority of angry players in the forums who tell each other what they all want to hear over and over and over again who believe they speak for “the community”. They don’t.


I used to play “hardcore” back in BC and Wrath but then I just kind of didn’t want to anymore. Too much drama. Too much stress. Not enough fun. Now I just poke around with the more casual/solo stuff. The few friends I have who still play this game are the same. The ones who left for other games are the same in those other games actually.

But this is just my bubble. I’m sure other people’s bubbles look different.

All in all, I think you’re right, there aren’t as many high end raiders as Blizz wants us all to believe but in general the player base is definitely diverse and made up by different types of players and so I personally believe it’s ridiculous when people say, “The players asked for this” or “The players hated that” because we are not all the same.

It’s even funnier when somebody says they liked MoP and people reply, “No you didn’t, there was outrage against Kung Fu panda and too many dailies back then!!! You just have rose tinted glasses or some streamer told you to like it!!!” And they really seem to think it was literally everyone on exactly the same page back then? How strange. Also, there was positive feedback in the forums then too, it just got drowned out.

But anyway, umm, yeah. The “player base” should only ever loosely be referred to because honestly the only thing we all have in common is that we play WoW.


I try to only use the word when referring to players as a whole or when something could affect every player of the game.

I don’t like the word casual because it’s to subjective and can mean to many things.

I think categorizing people by the highest form of content they do works better:

Open-world only players
Queued content players (LFR, Heroic/Normal Dungeons, Unrated BGs, Solo Shuffle)
End-Game Players (M+, Arenas, Normal/Heroic Raids. Rated BGs)
Competitive end-game players (Mythic Raiders, M+ over +20, High End PVP’ers - not sure what rating that would be)

If I had to guess queued content players probably make up most of the player base.


WoW is designed not to have one demographic be the player base.

It’s strength has been having multiple types of gameplay and content.

I think the majority of the player base is soft-core now and the rest are hard-core. I think this game lost the mid-core a long time ago.

What defines midcore?

I think the playerbase is probably more varied than a lot of people think. It’s not because you do mythic raiding that you can’t like solo content or care about the lore. There’s probably way more people that play classic and retail either at the same time or alternatively than people would think.

I agree. I think there is more cross over in what people do than people may initially state with wanting rigid definitions

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Most folks are alright. There’s a few meanies / hateful people out there but that’s what the ignore / report button is for.

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I think with all the current day systems in place the soft-core gathered in most of the mid-core while some escaped onto being more hard-core.

I am more saying I don’t know what the difference is

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It’s simple. The “player base” is anyone who pays for the subscription and plays World of Warcraft. “Base” is the foundation; sub-sets such as PVP, PVE, RP, etc., are segments of the “base.” Which of those is dominant is too subjective to define in generalities since each player decides which is the most important, most defining, to them.

Usually when people say git gud in Souls games its meant to be a helpful thing. It doesn’t mean you suck, but rather learn the fight better and improve.

Also the playerbase is a pretty broad group from all walks of life and age groups. Mmo’s appeal to as wide a base as possible.

Also I am super smart and biggest genius in the universe.

I like the way you outlined things and I believe I agree with you overall.

I’d even take it a step further and say Blizzard should design the game around them. Reduce the difficulty of raiding/M+, keep PvP where it’s at, give them a difficulty they can slowly chomp away at, etc etc.

Plenty of folks would hate it but I’d still be here (Despite also enjoying the high level gameplay). Would be nice if this game was more “social” gameplay wise.

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Naa, they mean it in a negative way, I was discussing the combat of a game with another person and another chimed in telling me to “Git gud” and that I was “ruining the game” not knowing I was 1000/1000 achievements in the game. lol