Seriously (or not, lol), who do you think is the player base?

In reality, it’s too big and too broad to narrow down. It’d be much more appropriate to correctly categorize players. The end-game content crowd wants certain things. The casual world soloist wants certain things. The arena and high end PvP community wants certain things.

The issue is when the wires cross and sometimes they cross violently. Solo world players who want mythic item level gear is a good example. Casual PvP / non-PvP players wanting access to old elite mogs is another example. When these wires cross, we run into issues and arguments.

The player base is a blob. Literally. All encompassing. There’s very few things the whole player base agrees on.


Yeah some people are interesting

I recall hearing a story some years ago about a different game, where players in the forum had decided on changes that needed to happen. This was a game where the devs actually did communicate and discuss with with players. So forumgoers asked why, since there was a clear consensus about what changes needed to take place, why they hadn’t happened.

The response they got was that the forum did not represent the playerbase. End game players disproportionately posted in the forum, giving the impression that they were a majority. The proposed changes would, in fact, negatively impact the in-game experience of other groups, which were not end game players.

The fact is that players in the most successful MMO’s have a variety of gameplay preferences and skillsets. Catering to only one subset will result in a smaller playerbase and a less successful game.


I feel that research is done based on the opinions of the players Blizzard respects, as was the original intend of CC formation. When they ask top players what is good for the game, they get a load of feedback on all their wants and desires for content and rewards, and no recognition that this may affect the rest of the playerbase negatively.

And when they ask streamers and wf raiders how to fix the “casual/solo problem”, whoo boy. The game gets world content that requires raid groups.


Ooo, fighting words there because I don’t believe the majority thinks that. But a point made there exactly - one way to derail my own thread! Lol! Just because I believe that doesn’t make it so.

Whoa! Congrats on achievements! :partying_face: But I’ve never seen that phrase used nicely. Need the meme/gif with the mob with torches and pitchforks screaming that!

We can stop there!!! Lol :joy:
(Probably extraterrestrial lizard people)

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The playerbase or at least the forums are playing wow even though they hate it waiting on that next great MMO.

Irony is nearly all of the ‘git gud’ comments Ive seen over my years in this game havent come from good M+/raiders, but wannabes who think they are a lot better than their profile would seem to say they are, lol

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I agree. We rarely see this outside of a few obvious trolls a month.

I disagree. People who hate the game have already left. People who are still playing are doing that because they still find the game sufficiently entertaining to be worth paying for.

“Git gud” is always an insult. It is never accompanied by specific advice on what the player might be doing wrong, so they have no way of determining whether they actually are doing something wrong, or if the player who said it is a hateful, toxic, elitist troll who was just jerking them around because he knows there are no consequences for trashing players who you see as unworthy of existence.

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Bold of you to assume nobody has been isekai’d into World of Warcraft, yet. I see it happen on TV all the time.

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Well maybe they should git gud :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Now ? Mostly old people, disabled, and the unemployed. The occasional sweaty try hard.

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The playerbase are people who play the game. If you are looking to separate who does what, I think for the most part Blizzard should have their own telemetry here. They know who is doing what. As far as what people actually want? Speak up, or don’t.

How do you know? i might be the newest manifestation of Skynet because humanity refuses to learn the mistake of continuing with A.I. development.


The pure solo player is the smallest group in the game.

The casual player that does a bit of everything is the majority.

Higher end raiders and up to rwf players are all in between.


100% agree with this. I do believe casual players are the majority of the player base.

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People who play the game. They make up the player base.

A company that seriously cares about it’s customer base would survey a large number of random customers. Telephone surveys are more reliable, but more expensive. They could categorize them into groups based on a variety of criteria, and then do follow ups based on topics they want to explore.

I know Blizzard does some of this. There are a variety of issues around sample composition, questionnaire construction, etc., that can result in invalid results. If you put together a focus group based on participants who you know in advance are likely to rubber stamp some decision you have already made, while ignoring how these changes will affect other demographics, that’s a problem.

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I probably agree with this maybe 85% ,

Buta follow up question to all would be, how does Blizz devs actually figure out what is really needed? They did at least respond to the the solo’s with the Delves, but I can see 50 ways that can go wrong and at least five right off the bat.

Answered - good points, all!!

It takes all kinds to make the world (of Warcraft) go round.

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Why does making end game easier make the game more social?

I am convinced that people in M+ or ranked pvp make less than 10% of the playerbase.

Yet, it seems as they do receive the most attention from the development team and all balancing is done because of their needs.

I am also convinced that the larger part of the 90%, maybe 60-70% are playing this game solo and with very low social interaction. In my last guild we had a lot of players that were collecting mounts, pets all day.

They had like 10 chars and went through all of them daily, to get their drops, do dailies, level their professions.

The missing 20-30% are a mixed bag I guess, people like me that do LFR, collect Transmogs, do level alts, run a few BG´s. People that just play casually without any true goal or competetive sense.