*Serious Topic* PvP Gearing in BFA & Shadowlands

Well I’ve done some arenas. Some went well, some not so well and this lock is only 451.

It dosent take a day or 2 to gear for PvP lmao… PvP is everything arenas, Bgs and Wpvp… in arenas good luck trying to have fun with 2 days of gear lmao… i swear everyone who ques it are like 460+

Yes it does.
Though, if you’re clueless on how to progress gear then sure I suppose it would take you longer.

Took 3 weeks to get what i have on if its any indication.


exactly lmao i am clueless… sucks when you have to LFG literally EVERYTHING… u have no idea how many +keys, mythics and arenas i lose/wipe playing with people who are clueless as i am. Its hard to find good people… to progress on quik in this game now you need a group of friends and for someone like my self who does not cause everyone quit… its not easy, again all of this was mentioned on my post. This game used to be solo friendly for pvp, once you hit max level spam bgs and get honor gear and then afther that do competetive to get conquest gear which is why majority of the pvp community hates the gearing system now.

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I’m a solo player on my Alliance. It does just fine in randoms at 440. Could probably find rbgs to push some rating, for a little better gear, but alliance side seems pretty bare.

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i know how you feel lmao… seems like most of these guys don’t even understand the struggles.

Players brag about afk’ing out of BG’s here. Most of what’s posted here is exaggerated whining.

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What struggles? I log in, do rated BGs. No struggles there.

I think we should pick one day. Maybe 4-20-2020 lol, and not do ANY pvp at all. We don’t queue for BGs. We don’t do RBGs. We don’t do arena. We don’t do world PvP. And do it for a strike. It has to be a massive effort on everyone’s part not to engage just for one day.


Ummm bad idea. I won’t be doing that.

I know you won’t. Totally not surprised. lol There will be people like you. The point is to drive the numbers down to make an impact and send a message.

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:rofl: :joy: no offense, but this would probably make them care about pvp even less.

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I don’t even know how that’s possible.

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I hate doing all this cloak bull crap it has cut into my BG time a lot. I’m fixing to start a new job I will have a lot less time for wow. vendors would allow me to gear my toon how and when I like.

I’m all for but like you said it would take a massive effort Remember my PVP poll almost 4K votes. Blizzard still got there blindfolded and Hands over their ears.

P.s 4-20 :rofl: the perfect date. :wink:


Well for one, they could take out rated pvp gear and make it so you 100% have to gear through M+

If you want to be viable in PvP you already do have to do mythics. I did a mythic yesterday and it was gross. I have PvE germs all over me now. I shouldn’t have to do PvE to play PvP. It makes zero sense.


You don’t have to though, not at our rating.

I need to at least have average gear. PvP players are playing mythics and soon everyone will be 460+

I watched a low rshaman out heal everyone on our and their team last night. It’s far more important to know your class than ilvl. Plus, 460 will be obtainable through pvp. Just have to wait for gear from the chests each week.