Serious discussion of arena

Maybe he just took a liking to Murphy’s style of posting.

I agree, which is why I was appalled to see you type this:

We as a community need to do better. No, BE better. There are posters here with different levels of reading comprehension and we must accommodate them and not attack them when they ask us to clarify or elaborate on a subject that they are having difficulty grasping. It’s disgusting to see some people ignore their requests or even worse berate them for asking for help.

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My best friend pulls obscure words out mid conversation all the time. He’s just a geek who reads books.


Do you have a data to back up this thesis? Besides Efx walking around in a halter top outside of a Target with rollerblades on saying, “ONG, anyone bricked up looking for a good time?”.


Just so you know, I saw your swing and miss.


Hate to see it

Yes joking about people having repressed memories of abuse is just too tasteless, so I deleted it

Back on topic. You’re still rival, why haven’t we teamed up for our glorious Duelist push?

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Wait, I’m your best friend? Does Jim know?!

Working through Sanderson’s cosmere right now. It’s a ride!

Just anecdotal data from a friend who swings both ways and that guy got more “bussy” than that Daryll Dixson country song.

To the contrary, however, there is a positive correlation between Low T, baldness, and ED - all of which can be caused by people railing EFX’s mom.


That’s funny! That’s almost exactly what I said to you when you first started trolling HAHA.

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No one can replace Jim, but you’ve the potential to make the starting lineup. One of us joined the Marines, Kasius stopped talking to us, and Aqua & Sockems barely play, so there’s a hole in my heart that’s yet to be filled.


Well done. As for books, I’m reading Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Soccer Scheme.

Truth. Doors and I have searched far and wide for our third Avenger. We haven’t been lucky. Amatox can’t grow facial hair, so he was automatically out.

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Efx so mad rn


Can somebody fill me in on the Efx jokes?

tldr is :man_bald:


Let me elaborate…

:man_bald: :wave: :wave: :palm_up_hand: :pinching_hand: :love_you_gesture: :brick: :brick: :man_student: :man_teacher: :man_judge: :man_farmer: :man_cook: :man_mechanic: :factory_worker: :man_office_worker: :man_scientist: :man_singer: :man_pilot: :man_astronaut: :eggplant: :eggplant: :eggplant: :eggplant: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:


They 100% do. They lurk because they are afraid to post.

Why would anybody be afraid to post

What evidence do you have of this?

Random people in shuffle know me from here and tell me they mostly lurk.

The amount of views that post have are in the thousands and only like 10 people post.