It’s pretty self-explanatory.
I don’t know what other explanation you could want.
Those are not buttons, they are not contributing to button bloat.
They do partly qualify as modifiers I guess but not nearly to the same extend that Seraphim was.
Overall good change.
We haven’t seen the tree yet, so right now obviously the spot for DT in the Ret tree on the PTR is useless so people make build with ES.
Giving the impression they just replaced it.
In reality, ES could have been in our abilities right now on top of Seraphim too.
The only thing that prevented this was tuning…
There are some nuance to bring to this to, ES feels WAY better to use now that it doesn’t cost HP. It feels way better to build to 5, ES and start spending right away.
You don’t feel like you’re starting from behind now.
Another thing to keep in mind is that other datamined information seems to suggest Crusader strike could become our Auto-Attack, effectively removing yet another button from our bars.
I’ve never really used ES personally even if I think the ability is thematically cool.
Always just found it a bit frustrating to use previously and the payout to be lacking for investing so much effort into doing it right.