<Septic> (A) Semi HC raiding guild

Septic is a semi HC raiding guild formed in the middle of BFA achieving progression through half of M Nya. We have developed into a close-knit group that participates in all forms of content. (Raids, M+, and PVP)

We are currently 10/10H, 2/10M. Currently looking to fill out the rest of the team with the correct classes.

Priority Classes

  • Warrior
  • Hunter
  • Fire mage
  • Shadow Priest who can OS Disc

Raid TImes

Tues/Wed 8pm-11pm server time.

Group expectations:

  • You are expected to know your class. You should be well informed on its rotation, stat priorities, consumables, and anything else that it might entail.

  • You need to come prepared to raid with the supplies you require. Feasts are supplied based on Gbank supplies so donations are always welcomed.

  • You need to show up on time to raid. As a group, we understand that life comes up. If for some reason that you can’t make a raid, let an officer know.

  • Lastly, come to raid expecting to have fun. We always show up to do just that. We take progression seriously, but there is always time to laugh at someone’s expense.

You can get into contact with me through discord:

This. Is. Hot.

What he said.

Bumping the post

just here to bump

Bump the post

just a friendly soul here to bump

Bumping the post

Just had the pleasure of running with the GM and his First officer, I must say I was impressed …

at the level of entitlement and childishery.

The GM

Decided to bring his severely undergeared Alt (197 ilvl)

He figured his second in command,

Was going to carry his undergeared Tank Alt through a pug Halls 13

For some reason… He Doesn’t like to Kite the dogs that shred the scraps of Armor he is wearing. Just wants to stand there like he’s a 220 and take it to the face, maybe he thought he was on his paladin? The Dogs made quick work on him and his Demon Hunter cohort, who kept ripping complete aggro of of him at the slightest sneeze.

After Echelon, he hurls to the next room, Demon hunter rips aggro from him, Demon hunter Dies instantly. The Druid takes a swipe from the dogs and loses pretty much his whole health bar. HE turns tail and starts doing what he should have been doing in the first place… Kiteing.

This is when he starts too screech wildly “Elemental!!, Elemental!!, HEALER!!! Elemental!!”, mind you… There are two shamans in the run, one restoration and one Elemental. We didn’t know who in the world he was talking too, since he and the other shaman got into a spat about the class.(Both of us know the Elemental wont do a darn single thing against those dogs that literally two shoot tanks) (Learn to Kite, especially when you take damage like a clothie)

Mind you I had already summoned my elemental as soon as the DH ate the cobblestone floor, and laid there like he was a well placed rug. Well, a well geard rug.

The elemental was dead by the time he screamed feverishly the 3rd "ELEMENTA!!"

Then he diverts his attention to me after the other shaman sent him packing.

The Druid ( Throckvar) Goes into a tirade of how he knows shamans and used to play one, apparently healers have an exclusive restoration only elemetal that can tank those dogs that two shot tanks till he corpse runs back to the scene. The other shaman said “We both have elementals”, He yells back " No, you don’t have tank elemental"

The run failed the moment he toolishly released, instead of waiting for a rez, both shamans had Ahnks. (Throckvar, you really need to understand other classes better, I will pray too Elune for you) Right there 3 mins poof!!.


LOL, dead giveaway he has never played the class to any extent that is meaningful.

I rez everyone else, and we sit around waiting for the two experts who have collectively been playing wow less than two expansions.

As soon as he gets back, we kill the remaining adds, then he dashes to the next room, AGAIN!!!

He goes into another feverish fit "ELEMENTAL!! ELEMENTAL!!, HEALER!! ELEMENTAL!!"

Bruh!..“That has a 5 min Cooldown”, I say…

He feverishly replies “NO, you non USe, I see no Healing elemental” I’m like wait… this guy thinks I have a healing elemental? (I am completely amazed at this point). I finally decide to interpret that as he didn’t see any heals go out to the elemental…

…It wasn’t alive that long

At this point, I just want to get the run done with, So I stopped replying we made our way past all the trash, he intentionally wasted two gargoyles before Adjudicator Aleez, I guess that was out of spite. (You can make them despawn, if you get the games to make them path and close at the right time) We had two Venthyr on the run.

He kept chain pulling all the way to the chest, I didn’t mind since that’s how I usually play, but it was a sure sign of “I am trying to be a prick” by not even waiting for 10% mana on a key that was already dead because of his bad decisions.

The DH tried to hide Throckvar’s alt’s squishiness by taunting and eventually dying or being near death on several occasions.

Last boss dies

Anyways, I said, “we can do better. lets re-run this” that’s when he went full 5th grade lunch time x 1,000.

He and his Fellow officer go into very childish episode of taunting and name calling, maybe it made them feel better about themselves, I hope it did. He quickly boots me, maybe he thought I’d feel hurt by being removed? I don’t know, but if it helps his bruised ego heal a little faster and grow up, have at it.

The other two DPS on the run whispered me a thank you and “That guys is just being a bad person with an ego, you did well”

I have been at this game for a long time Throckvar and Ïllìdan, I really wish you good luck and some sense of stability, matched up with the ability to own up your own mistakes and over estimations of your abilities as a characters or player.

It’s not a good look, and eventually gets you nowhere being an unreasonably behaving person. I know, I used to be you about 12 years ago in this game. The bridges you burn along the way, especially in a much smaller dwindling population will eventually come back to haunt.

As for anyone else interested in this guild, well… glad to offer you an objective perspective. At Least you know what you are buying now.

/bored before rest

(Stream Here) (Screenshots here) Maybe some other time. :slight_smile:

Also … /Bump

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I’m leveling a restoration Shaman and had the pleasure of running into Throckvar’s horde alt, Dertanova. He basically popped in, pulled everything, got feared, and got himself (and the rest of the team) killed. Twice. After we made it through the third boss, he ran straight for the 4th and got me locked out of the arena because he pulled fear bird along the way. He did this while calling me a troll healer, and other insults along the way. By the time we managed to actually complete the 4th boss I managed to perform more damage than him while keeping him and the team alive regardless of his refusal to use any defensives or mitigation.

Tl;Dr - Met this guy, can confirm he is pretty much a nightmare to play with.