I just tried to log on myself it still logs me off with the error when i am tetherered with pdanet+ it does not even reach the char select screen just gets up to logging into server sits there for maybe 4-5 mins then disconnects me. Now not to shut down an opinon but i must make my own… the thing mentioned earlier that it could be the cell company’s blocking to try to stop tethering, do u not think if it was they would stop all usage not only usage for a game…
Money talks, BS walks
I’ve tried a bunch of stuff and i still can’t connect to a realm. I don’t mess with VPNs though. I am running linux.
I am still unable to log into the game unless I go through ProtonVPN.
My subscription is cancelled until they clean up this mess.
If this thread keeps up they are gonna have to change the date again.
Cell phone connection is all i have to connect with.
same here since i live out in the middle of nowhere… I would think with this being such a big topic in this thread it would be handled ASAP.
Well it’s the 11th now, so yeah. OR They could just fix the problem they caused.
Bobby should AT LEAST be on the tweeters by now with a cat and a laser pointer…jusss sayin…
agreed. ESP with how “GIANT” this thread has grown.
face it, we got lolrolled by the devs - {insert cat chasing laser gif}
Holy crap, I finally am able to log in with my Tethered connection, finally.
Still get disconneded…try later today. Rl stuff pop up.
I confirm the issue has been resolved on my end
Finally able to log in. Was getting stuck on logging in to game server since Monday, possibly even Sunday.
First I want to thank you all for resolving this issue
However, since it’s been over several days is there something the affected users can do to get a few days of in-game credit? I believe many would appreciate that small gesture
ISO DDOS Proto-drake plz. Put it in the store for those who were able to play over the past 5 days
fixxed on my part as well now was just able to login.
It has been repaired here. No need for vpn!
Im still gettin disconnected tried it just now