Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328

I still cant get on. I can get to the realm selection, but I cannot get onto a realm. it boots me after 5 seconds every time. I’ve tried both my ATT LTE and t-mobile LTE and it doesn’t work

Listen, I didn’t start the conspiracy. They did. We’ll remember this long after this is settled. #TTLGate

I can’t log in with my home internet or using my phones hotspot, its really annoying not being able to play for 3 days already!!

Same issue everyone else is having, have xfinity at two different locations i play at (both win 10). Able to login at one, but not the other.

Internet Connect: PDANet+ both wifi and usb
ISP: Sprint
Location: California
VPN: no
Classic NA server: Myzrael

Affects both classic and live versions of the game.

I can play fine if I connect my laptop to any wifi connection (home, work, etc). But using PDANet+ gets me the 51900328 error and a disconnect.

I can connect to Oceanic servers, create a character, and play the game using PDANet+. But any NA server is no-go.

I’ve have:

  • updated Windows
  • deleted the Interface, Cache, and WTF folders
  • enabled network ports in the firewall per Blizzards recommendations for this error
  • enabled ipv6
  • reset phone’s network settings (LG Nexus 5x)

OMG it worked for me! 3 days of not being able to sign and even spoke to blizz live chat today. Have done all the reset/ dos coding…this one worked. You’re a genius! Thank you so much.

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so pdanet not working but usb tether to my asus rapture 5300 works just fine.

any updates on #WOW51900328 You have a 1K forum thread discussing it and troubleshooting with almost no actual info from ya’ll other than you are working on it. Maybe at least head us in the right direction so we can get this solved?

Subsequent updates to this issue are expected to be shared in the linked forum thread. In the meantime, you might see if the general support troubleshooting we offer here can help (link to this thread). If you haven’t already posted in the thread, we ask that you do so. Ty! ^AX

Pretty annoying that they won’t even help us help them get this fixed. At least they could tell us what they are pretty sure ISN’T the problem and give us something to work with.

Worked for me as well running Arch Linux.

Increasing the TTL of your IPv4 packets seems to do the trick.

On linux run sudo bash -c 'echo 129 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl' to change the TTL

Just an update, was finally able to login normally for Singapore’s M1 ISP to Oceanic servers tho ping is a little high at 320ish compared to 144ms before all this stuff happened. Hope they can fix the ping issue soon.

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I get the WOW519319 or 328 error constantly on my Desktop, and cannot logon. I CAN use my laptop and logon without errors. Only problem is my laptop is an antique and runs slow. Does this eliminate the DDos attack as well as my ISP being a problem?

Yeah same here

I use Untangle myself. When I use a VPN it works fine, without a VPN it does not.
It could be layer 7, but I still have my regular rules configured.

Blizzard should give us all who were impacted by this issue for this extended period of time free blizzcon virtual tickets and bonus package… It would be a nice were sorry present and repair the relationship…

Sticky this to all blue posts :slight_smile:

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Ooh interesting, I am also running Untangle. I could just get in when I used my work VPN.

I use a VPN with Untangle and that way works for me.
Without VPN it does not.

Try this from another one of these similar forums:

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4 days and counting… It’s a shame my sub renewed just prior to this attack and the fallout we are experiencing now. This is like quitting cigarettes. The first few days are tough and then it gets easier and easier with time until you rarely think of them at all anymore. Maybe it’s divine providence. Maybe the chains can be broken. Maybe Blizzard will unwittingly release me and my bleeding wallet from this bondage I have been under by not fixing this problem for a longer time.

I shall be free!

Who am I kidding? Once it is working again, I will be right back in Azeroth with the rest of the whiners who never quit despite saying so or the shameless resubbers who quietly sneak back into Azeroth too despite proclamations that they are pissed, they are so done with Blizzard, screw this and screw that, etc.

Well, anyway as Oprah would lean in and say while holding your hand, “I feel your pain.” I wonder if Oprah really felt it or if she was just saying that. I find it hard to picture Oprah playing WoW.

Thank you my friend. This command worked like a charm. Must bypass a threshold set by downstream ISP’s.

sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=129

I have now resorted to a full Battlenet and WOW uninstall and re install. I’ll check back when my dinosaur internet decides to make the game playable.