Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328

I have the same exact thing going on here. My wife and son who both play can get on with no issue without using a VPN etc. I can get on my account from either of their comps, just not mine. I cannot get on either of their accounts from my comp. See the pattern? It’s my comp… well there are only two things on a network that are comp specific, your IP and your MAC address. I set my router to a Dynamic DNS which changed my IP for my comp and still the same issue. So that leaves the MAC address (which changes when using a VPN btw)… My wife is on the way home with a new NIC right now and we’ll see if it solves it… if it does it proves that they are in fact blocking ppl, and they are using their MAC addresses to do it. At least have the stones to tell us that you are and why you are.

Update: I’m able to log into the Oceanic Servers, Remulos. Yet, still unable to log into the NA Servers… Odd…

I am on day three of not being able to log in and my tickets are getting snubbed. I see I am not the only one…maybe it is time to rally round the family to make it a known issue so we can solve this issue. How many of us are you collecting money from and we are sitting here with damage from that attack and we cannot log in. Address our issues WE ARE YOUR CUSMTOMERS. A whole thread of us who still cannot log in. Buy our accts so we can at least move to a game who cares about if we can play.


But what if you’re tethering…doesn’t that change the IP every time you connect to the computer?

Plagued by 51900328 for the past 3 days. Any news?

Yes and it also has it’s own MAC address too. Any network interface connection NIC has it’s own specific MAC address. That’s why I think that’s the root of all this. They are banning MAC addresses.

but what would be the point of banning MAC addresses? what would they achieve by doing this?

I have tried 4 phones and 2 sim cards. Same on all. One of the phones hasn’t been used in over a year so I know it hasn’t pinged blizz in at least that long. Seems like they are using MAC that isn’t the phone if that is possible?

SO my theory is this: (Admittedly I’m no expert but here goes) The DDOS attackers used probably all of our computers to attack Blizzard. In response Blizzard saw who was pinging their servers and banned those MAC addresses. Now none of us knew we were part of the attack and that’s the point. The morons that do this crap like it that way. Now why not ban IP’s ? We can change them using Dynamic DNS and attack again. So until they figure out who was the actual attacker, they can’t un ban any of the MAC addresses.

Like I said, not an expert but that’s what I’ve been able to deduce over these 4 days of research and learning. Also, I’m not pissed if they did ban my MAC (I’ll know for sure soon) I’m pissed because they are not communicating that fact to their customer base.

If you are experiencing WOW51900328 error, go to System -> Network -> Settings and then check “Enable IPV6.”

This resolved the issue for me and I was able to get back into the servers. Hope this works for you all too.

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System where? In WoW settings on launcher or in-game or what

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Yeah, “system” wasn’t to helpful as that can mean a lot of things. Plz elaborate.

Launch Classic WoW, cancel login, use System setting on window.

Worked it out myself eventually. Didn’t fix my issue though. Rebooting now.

Huh that actually worked although im in queue to login now so we will see if it really worked

Sadly didn’t work for me

Yeah, this is a load of garbage. It doesn’t do a thing.

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wow that worked for me

didn’t work for me…

fixed my issue. Thanks!!!

didnt work