Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328

That’s funny because I’m using my phone to tether and I keep getting the same “you’ve been disconnected” message for the past 3 hours lol so… no I don’t think tethering will help you

Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS

Realm: Thalnos
Error: WOW51900328

I smell fish. And not the tasty kind either. Acti-Blizz is a major corporation with change orders. They don’t just change things and “Eh let’s see how this goes”. Every change is recorded. It’s quite simple. DDoS comes in -> Network settings are updated -> Linux based everything stops working.

wE doNt KnOw WhErE tO beGiN!!

These dudes are playing the proverbial long game. They don’t want to change whatever configuration they put in place, and the blues are here to pull the sack over your head, remember my name if I disappear


Maintenance? what maintenance!??
more like Maintain328/319 errorNANCE

Day 3 of continued 328/219 errors when getting on OCEANIC classic servers :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Internet Connection: Wired Broadband
ISP: Telbru (Brunei)
VPN: No VPN ( it only affect OCEANIC servers, US servers worked fine)
Is this affecting both Live and Classic connections? : Classic (didn’t download retail)

That is so weird cuz im in canada, i play on usa servers, cannot log on usa ones but can on oceanic …

So I just tethered my phone and i can log in to classic and retail. But on my normal network nope not gonna connect.

sounds like because you’re tethering off of your phone you are using a different MAC address. Same crap is happening to me. I can use a VPN but no matter what I changed IP addresses, etc etc etc. I cannot get on without the help of a different MAC address. My wife can get on my account from her computer as well as her own and we are obviously on the same network etc. So it’s down to just one device and I’ve limited it down to the MAC address so I’m actually going to buy a NIC and see if that cures it… if it does then we know that Blizz can see our MAC addresses and ban them if necessary… I’ll keep you all posted

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use a VPN too.

Blizzard won’t even let me make a ticket or live chat. Is anyone else having that problem?

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I unsubbed yesterday. Still no response or change today. Even though “patch day will fix the remaining problems” my current sub ends in 3-4 days. After that I wont even check in on this garbage any more. I refuse to change my network configuration to accommodate a game that was working last week. I’ve missed my weekly bonuses and now I’m missing raid. So there is no point to pay for a chance to MAYBE run around and farm dailies…@Blizzard is a multi-billion company and gaffes like a fledgling startup on the regular these days. @BigBillionsBobby how about funnelling some cash into your product instead of your pockets? Eh?

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Yeah same here. I had to resort to twitter where they just linked me here.

Are windows and mac users having these same issues or is it just limited to linux? Wondering if it’s worth it to install the game on my wife’s mac.

windows cant connect…

Looks like it is only people who have a Linux generated IP. So Linux users and Android Phone tetherers.

On Windows 10 and this stupid error is still ongoing.

both my borthr , sistr inlaw and most of my freinds are also using Windows 10 with WOW and theyre fine so this is really starting to PISS ME THE F OFF.

I even logged on with my brothers computer and I can play just fine there so obviously Blizz is blocking people and is too gutless to admit it worst still if you try to open a customer support ticket it ask for the authentication which I used and after the 1ST ATTEMPT it says I’m block because of too many attempts.

My pre-authorised subscription pass the 22nd of the month and i swear if its not fixed then I’m pulling everything out and I wish every one does the same tough sadly too many people are die hard fans so I don’t see that happening.

I’m windows so it’s across the board. It’s not just linux or just this or just that.

Windows 10 and same issue since sunday

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i have windows 10 to.
yah know am missing out on alot here …right now i should be with the guild raiding heroic palace.

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If blizz doesnt want my money i have other options… and im down to use them.


i tried the vpn crap…nothing, im in the US using windows 10 and have no issues with anything else on my pc and no reason on my end why this is happening

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