Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328

Exactly the same

Could not connect Sunday…or Monday…and now Tuesday…I am normally very patient with this kind of stuff but this is now stupid ridiculous…


I cant log on error 51900328

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Same, but a VPN does the trick for me. ProtonVPN is a legit free vpn you can use (all others have harsh limits) until Blizzard fixes the issue. Not sure if naming other programs are against the rules, but I’ll risk it if it means helping someone out.


I get dc’d every time i click my server and then cant ‘login to game server’…i can see others are playing but I cant get beyond the realm list.

I have the same issue. Cant get to the toon selection screen. After I click play button it times out. I can see two way communication in a Wireshark cap. I am on a wired connection with cat 5 from my ISP directly connected to my Cisco ASA.

I am having the exact same issue… for now I am using my phone as a hotspot and it lets me pick a server and log in

I wonder if Bliz has blocked a bunch of IP space to stop DDOS and we are collateral damage?


Exactly the same situation

…i re-re-re-restarted, everything is up to date and no issues with anything else on my pc. this sucks :confused:

Same. Keep on getting WOW51900328. This is pretty cool considering this was my only day off this week.

Your public IP has been banned by blizzard (my guess). Once I changed my public IP I was able to log in.

If that was the case then how can we login to Diablo or OW then?

I am able to play overwatch and heroes. but can not log into wow or wow classic servers. this is going on day 3 with little to no responses from any blues. we have been abandoned

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Can log into Retail, but Classic just sits on logging into game server then DC’s

This is not the case. If it was, no computers on an internal network would be able to connect since they all share the same external ip address.

I have two computers in the same room. One can connect, one cannot.

I can only make 3 posts in the topic :frowning: as I am a new user on the forums.

VPN solution works. I would say that the login server are different to the server that host the toons\server you play on.

Again its a work around but I would say that our IPs have been blacklisted during the DDoS attack. A VPN running pointing to a different city should fix the issue for you.
Most ISPs use a DHCP setup and you should get a new public facing IP in a few days.

Good luck.

WOW ok this is intresting…

Not 100% then what the issues is.

VPN to a different city still in NA fixes the issue for me.

Playing from OCE servers here. Couldn’t log in at all on Sunday and since then i’ve been experiencing high amount of latency (over 300 to 30k ms - yeah 30k i kid you not) and random disconnections.

Not for me. I’ve treid three different vpn solutions, including the one everyone else is on about, ProtonVPN.

It can’t be the external IP because if it was, then no computer on the internal networks would be able to connect. The very issue I have now is that I can’t connect on one computer but can on another.

Im using a VPN and still having the same issue as everyone else. Ive been disconnected since sept. 8th on my main server. i can still log into oceanic servers just fine though… whats the deal?