Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328

Verison is my ISP

this is still an issue… if I try and log in as I usually would I can not get past the realm selection but if I put my phone as a hotspot it lets me right in… so I know it’s nothing on my end. Its a denial of access.

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That’s exactly it. Our IPs were incorrectly blacklisted thanks to their DDoS protection.


That doesn’t fully explain it. I can’t connect from my computer, but the wife can connect just fine. both computers are on the same internal network and our external ip address is the same.

When will you fix it Bliz? It has been 72 hours now

This is key to all of this. I hope Blizzard is actually utilizing information like this.

I use the same program… it’s by no means a solution but I used my phone as a hotspot and it lets me get right past the realm selection and actually log in though it isn’t the best connection it let me get in the game… I wouldn’t want to raid with it etc

That’s not my experience unfortunately. Wife can’t connect either (she tried to log into retail) and I had to help her get a VPN. Same network.

I feel it has something to do with the phsyical pc in question. Its the only way I could explain why all the other “fixes” dont’ work AND I can login using another machine.

Like, has anyone asked the question if there is some sort of hardware ban or something we all got flagged for as a result of the attack?

I just had my ISP release and renew my public IP. I am now able to log in.

Tried that with my ISP. They didn’t know how.

I just installed my VPN software. mullvad

and connected it to Sweden and it worked. could get to the Character selection screen.

IP or region bans?
I live on the east coast of Canada…

I’m on east coast of USA. I’m sure they have blocked our IPs by mistake.

Not an option for me. Spectrum is telling me that its set to auto release/renew on the 15th and that they can’t force it on their end…

A new MAC seen from you will get a new IP. Do you have a second modem or router?

Same here. ISP is M1 Singapore - I can get in server Arugal (Oceanic) for like 10 seconds before I get disconnected.

Something that just dawned on me. Most of us are using Linux based software somewhere down the line. The standard TTL for Linux based kernels is 64. This is a complete hunch, but the ones using PDANet…You’re on Android phones, Android is Linux based. So even though you’re setting through windows your TTL, PDANet is going through the Linux kernel and just using TTL 64. Does anyone have a rooted Android running PDANet that can run a SUDO to update their IPv4 TTL setting to 128+? I believe Blizzard’s attempt to minimize traffic might have been to force TTL to their majority standard and may have seen attacking machines with odd packet TTL’s. May have even been an exploit the attackers were using with Time To Live.


I havent been able to log in for 3 days, i get into the realm liste then it just spits me back out to the log in screen. (WOW51900328). Ive reinstalled, checked firewall, proxy, dns flushed, changed ip etc etc and nothing has worked.


Same experience here.

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I can log into the oceanic servers, but not NA.

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