Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328

Download ProtonVPN on your computer and run it. Should work. Does for me.

My worry is that if we just accept that a VPN is the only solution, Blizzard will fail to react and just let us fall by the wayside.


It’s definitely not a solution. I do think we should stick together here and complain. We should not have to do this with the VPN


I use PDAnet USB tether and cannot log in to Retail at all. I cannot access my main server (Bloodsail Buccaneers-US) on Classic but I am able to log in to Remulos-Oceanic for some reason. I do have a VPN I can use but it doesn’t make sense that I am disconnecting on servers in US but can access this one on Oceanic. 20 hours waiting for a response to my open ticket, yet not a single reply.

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This is getting utterly rediculous. I also usually use a tetherd usb connection to play but now can’t period it’s like they do not even care or are willing to say anything to us who rely on connections like tethering to connect.

i will not accept using VPN as a fix to this issue


Me neither
 Also still can’t put in a ticket for this. I have been trying for three days

is there a genius can show us to fix the problem?

The VPN isn’t even a 100% success rate fix. Neither is updating your IPv4 TTL’s, or repairing game files, etc. The only constant theme here is that the servers were DDoS’d, and now our service to the game servers is being blocked.

Ion twitter handle is WatcherDev

i thought the maintenance was gonna fix it but no, still same error code, can’t play since monday


Before this mornings maintenance I was able to get in and play fine. Time Warner cable. Now, IF I can get connected I get world pings of 6000 plus. This is ridiculous. Right now I have been at the LOGGING IN TO GAME SERVER screen for 5 minutes. Time to roll back to before you started messing with the software. This is as bad as being DDOS’d.


Exact same problem for me as well.

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I was fine until this morning before maint. Now I need a VPN to play. Even now after maint.


Internet Connection: Tethered, using PDAnet
ISP: Verizon Wireless
Does a VPN fix the issue for you, if so, which one? : VPNhub, through their San Jose server. Adds 30 ms and periodic several second lag spikes. I’m expected to main tank for my guild soon. This is a disaster.
Is this affecting both Live and Classic connections? : I haven’t tested live and don’t plan to.

Same. What a circus.


Cant connect to oceanic Yojamba
 using vpn the latency 600ish
connect to US realm is normal but I cant imagine to start all over in new realm


so the error 132 and missing bnet friends list issue is fixed
 but there’s still alot of us that is having this dc issues.

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I am having the same issues. Connecting from east coast of Canada.

Getting (wow51900328) error whenever trying to log on classic or retail, I can log onto a oceanic server but not America's please help this has been happen since the weekend.

yup alot from what i have seen are if you use your phone internet via usb tethering too ( Which is normally what I use.) Though my HS ( Hot spot) works fine to connect to the game I’d still like a reason why tethering got broke.