Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328

Internet Connection: (Telephone, Tethered, Wired Broadband, etc) = Wired Broadband

ISP: = Frontier

Does a VPN fix the issue for you, if so, which one? : = Do not have a VPN

Is this affecting both Live and Classic connections? : = yes

Internet Connection: (Telephone, Tethered, Wired Broadband, etc) Tethering
ISP: Sprint
Does a VPN fix the issue for you, if so, which one? : Yes, SoftEther
Is this affecting both Live and Classic connections? : Yes

Tough arugal was medium i still can,t login to the game till now and i try use vpn it can give me login to game for 20 sec than disconnect again i very very hope can play in arugal again don,t make me built new character in another realm

Internet Connection: Wired Broadband
ISP: Globe Telecom
Does a VPN fix the issue for you, if so, which one? : No VPN
Is this affecting both Live and Classic connections? : Classic

From the Philippines. Can’t connect to Oceanic servers, but have no problems with US West/East servers.

Internet connection wired
ISP Shaw
VPN doesn’t work
both live and classic will not connect
error WOW51900328

Another common theme I noticed. Everyone with this issue, were you connected Saturday night when you received “Transfer aborted: instance not found”? This seems to be a commonality between others with this issue.


Increasing TTL did not work for me, neither did VPN through Canada, UK, or Australia. This is a lost cause.

yeah i got stuck in WCM when that happened

Hmm…Very odd. So, we have someone saying they can connect on their wives PC…same network, same account. It’s isolated to his PC where he also got the transfer aborted…Very odd. It’s seeming like it may not even be network related and actually something hardware tagged.

Internet Connection: Tethered
ISP: Sprint
Does a VPN fix? Yes, ProtonVPN
Is this affecting live and classic? Yep

Did a live chat, went through a number of tech steps with them that did not work.

*Edited this because I tried the VPN a fellow PDANet user used and it did work.

Tethered from mobile
ProtonVPN gets me in.
The error affects both Live and Classic.

For Windows users who havent seen:
Entering “netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=129” into your command prompt has solved the problem instantly for me and many others.


@Balddude yup there is a few of us with that exact description. Between at least 3-5 of us.

This is not across the board though. It did not work for me, or just as many others that it has worked for.


Internet Connection: Wired Broadband
ISP: Cox Communications
Does a VPN fix the issue for you, if so, which one? : Yes, OpenVPN to private server hosted in Germany
Is this affecting both Live and Classic connections? : yes

Wow thanks that worked

Was able to get in doing this, not sure if permanent or what it even did though

heyyy-- this actually worked, thank you very much!
but um, im concerned about what i just did- could you tell me what i just put into my computer? will it effect me when the game fixes its self?? will it slow my connection in the future? can i change it back later?

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No, not here.

Same issue for me and my wife

Internet connection: Wired Broadband
ISP: Mediacom
VPN: Yes, Vpn fixed it. (Express VPN)
Both classic and Retail effected