Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328


I am not demanding this but believe I deserve 1 month of free game time for having to spend money purchasing VPN software to reconnect to the game. I understand there are free to use VPN programs out there but the majority of them are from companies that are less than reputable or they have data limits for the free trial versions.


Who are you using?

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Internet Connection: Tired both Wi-fi and hardwire line
ISP: Odynet (Ontario Canada) Fiber-optic service
Speed: 60Mbps - upload
10Mbps - download
VPN: Tried several, none work
OS: Windows 10 Professional

Been down since approx 2pm Sunday September 8th, and still down, both Classic and BFA. The message I get is ā€œYou have been disconnected. (WOW51900328)ā€ every time I try to log into the server in Classic. With BFA, I donā€™t even get to the server list before I get the error message and kicked out. I have done the ā€˜scan and repairā€™ tool on both Classic and BFA several times each, game reads as fine, reprogrammed my router and modem, reset all firewalls, I even tried logging in with all personal security measures turned completely off and still no change. I even contacted my service provider and they are looking to see if they can find where the issue is if at all possible.

-edit- Just tried a new VPN - ProtonVPN and it just let me into both Classic and BFA.

I play via my cell phone, tethered. With pdanet I cannot connect to the servers, but with the built in phone tethering I can. I would prefer to use pdanet, as it provides a more reliable connection.


To Blizzard Employees:

  • I was unable to connect for the past 30-something hours - during the initial attacks, I was able to get through intermittently, but once the attacks shifted to the service providers, I was no longer able to connect at all
  • System Setup
    • OS: Ubuntu 18.04
    • ISP: AT&T
    • Other: I am running the launcher from Lutris
    • Let me know if you need more info!

I signed up just to post what I think should be a fix for Linux players who are unable to connect due to a low TTL (Time to Live). It would seem that Blizzard has put in place a filter to block traffic with low TTLs (such as IoT devices - in other words, ā€œfake trafficā€). As Capslock pointed out in a post above, Linux has a low TTL value by default.

I simply changed my TTL to 128, which is the default for Windows 10 (I assume this is the primary platform playing WoW).

After changing my TTL to 128, I was finally able to connect after two days of connection failures.

If you have a different OS than I do, youā€™ll have to look up how to change your default TTL, but itā€™s easy to do.

Iā€™m not sure if this issue happens to Windows players. If it is - I donā€™t know what to tell you :frowning: But it might be worth a shot to just see what your default TTL is - if itā€™s lower than 128, just try setting it to that and see what happens :slight_smile:

The command I used to fix this is:

sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=128
  • This wonā€™t persist between launches - youā€™ll need to change your /etc/sysctl.conf file

To make the change persist between launches, add the following the bottom of your /etc/sysctl.conf file:


you will have to use a VPN software to connect. That seems to be the work around for this situation. ProtonVPN, NordVPN, PhantomVPN etc. Blizzard has done something to block individual computers. People will say this isnt the case but it is a fact that there are people in the same room using the same connection and IP where one person can connect but the other cant.

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Internet Connection:** Tethered
Does a VPN fix the issue for you, if so, which one?: Yes, ProtonVPN just tested it.
Is this affecting both Live and Classic connections?: Yes

Internet Connection: Tethered
ISP: At&t
Does a VPN fix the issue for you, if so, which one? : Nope
Is this affecting both Live and Classic connections? : Both of them

Another possible fix is to enable IPv6 in WoW settings, worked for me.

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Thanks a bunch, after dragging a monitor to the Untangle box and remembering a password I havenā€™t used in at least three years, that got things going again! I had ignored the comments mentioning Linux since Iā€™m on windows, completely forgetting about the firewall!

The only issue I have now is when I reboot the firewall, that setting seems to revert back to the default of 64. I initially did a reboot after changing it to 128 the first time and was disappointed I still couldnā€™t get in.

I usually let it go a few months between reboots anyway, so not a huge issue.


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Internet connection: tethered through pdanet
Location: Texas
Affects both

Tried it, does not fix the problems Iā€™m having. The only reliable fix it seems is to use a VPN sadly.

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Ah, sorry to hear - I hope youā€™re able to get a better fix soon!

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Internet Connection: Tetheredusing Pdanet+ from Android
ISP: Verizon
Does a VPN fix the issue for you, if so, which one? : Yes using ProtonVPN
Is this affecting both Live and Classic? : Classic for Lyfe!

internet connection: tethered Pdanet+
ISP: Verizon
no VPN
its affecting both live and classic

Internet Connection: Cable, Ethernet
ISP: Carrytel (Rogerā€™s reseller in Canada)
VPN: Unknown, I donā€™t have one
Classic: I can connect to Oceanic realms but no Americasā€™ realms
Live: Canā€™t get to realm select

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i Did change my TTL to 128 and it worked out! thanks alotā€¦ ( im using windows 10 )
Default was 64 TTL on Windows 10 too!!

Itā€™s super easy to do, On windows 10 you open CMD and you type in the following command

netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=128

And you can type also in CMD the following command to see what is your TTL set at

netsh int ipv4 show glob

Hope it helps people!!

Oh, weird! I found an online chart that told me that Windows 10 default was 128 haha. Well, I am glad you got it working!

Internet Connection: Tethered
ISP: Verizon Wireless
NordVPN gives me access to the game.
Iā€™m only playing with live/retail version.

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this worked for meā€¦ windows 10