You’re absolutely fine! God knows I don’t remember even a quarter of the shenanigans that I got up to way back then. I’m sorry to hear about your stroke though. That’s no bueno.
In case anyone new to the thread missed it, Fnipper set up a ‘reunion’ discord for old Sentinels folk! A fair number of people in there haven’t even popped up in this thread, so there’s a greater than 0 chance that if you’re looking for someone, they’re there!
Retribution of Arathor
Cole can confirm I am a lot nicer these days!
Come back, coward.
That’s the plan, your father and I will be rolling on Bloodsail
Was on Sentinels during BC. Looking for Audacity or Storm rage watch members. My name was Punkey I was a gnome demo lock.
Punky9402#1193 my battle tag.
Punky#7618 discord.
Yessir, I will be on Bloodsail Buccaneers day 1
Oh wow all these old names, it’s like a high school reunion.
I played Brantiela - Retribution of Arathor
Tiarial (Ariel Stevenson) - Dragonsworn Council.
I’ll be playing Alliance on Bloodsail, might make Southshore a haunt.
EDIT: Those of yall who want, feel free to hit me up on Discord, Liz#2511
Saw there was some sort of discord for Sentinels oldies - is that a thing?
I moved to Sentinels right after BC dropped, but I’d love to connect with old friends (though I’ve stayed in touch a bunch of yaz like Stasar, Andeliaris, Apia, etc). I played:
Akilos - human rogue - Stormwraiths, Firewind
Shawnodese - night elf druid
Zarande - human mage
I’ll be playing both Alliance and Horde on Bloodsail
Arkangel - human warlock
Araquiel - night elf druid
Siveni - troll hunter
~ Aellex
snugs teh Aki
snugs teh Stas
Akilos! I think I remember your name from the forums way back in the day.
Rosealia, human rogue of Sisters of Passion and Blackwater Explorers.
Great seeing so many familiar names!
Hi Tanria! Yeah I used to post on them quite a bit, RP stuff and just chatter. Howareya!
Magrea? Is that you?!
Not bad! For the most part, I’m more focused on creating stuff (still doing art/illustration work and currently doing some writing and game design in TTRPG spaces)
Sure is! Looking forward to Bloodsail shenanigans.
I still tell Rosie stories. Best times. XD
This reminded me of logging into Wrath on day 1 as part of <Lichbane> and pretty much immediately getting invited to group with you, Drayton, Theretia (EDIT Remembered his horde name: Marsh!), and I think Mysty.
Wonder if they’re still around.
Wonder if they’re coming back for WOW Classic.