Sentinels Alliance Reconnections

My guuuuuuuuuy. How’ve you been?

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Portal my dude. What’s going on?

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Time to get the band back together.



I just made characters on the RP server alliance side. Going with the exact same character and name cuz change is scary.

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Bruh Turin too, this will be way more fun than real life.

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Hey Kai, I remember you! Acies Druid power!

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Yes! Slayd = Xaas. I have him on FB but haven’t chatted in a bit and not sure on whether he’s playing or not at this time.

Hey, Menthus! The ship captain, I remember you! Hope you’re doing well.

Hey! I am doing stupendous now that classic is almost out! I am happy you remember me! I have fond memories of The Blacksail. Were you part of the crew?

I am so happy that I’ll be seeing you on the classic RP server! Glad to be seeing all of these old guilds reconnect/rebuild.

Hey all! I joined in 2006 so I didn’t do a lot of end game stuff until WotLK when I was in a guild called Naga Inc. Before then, my main guild was Paradigm. I’ve always played as a Dwarf hunter named “Sproggs”; does anyone remember me? :slight_smile:

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Played since the start, I was a Lowly Dwarven Hunter names Oradraffe. Looking to find some buddies from back in the day, my memory isnt great anymore. So if anyone recognizes the name, dont hesisitate to reply

Qristal…. I remember you being very active in Full Circle. Can you Remember any info of what happened 10 years ago when we were just starting to (Raid the Black Temple) of what happened with me “Shothragot” and the Guild after I left. I really haven’t been able to get on a Pc until recently.

My account was hacked shortly after I moved back to Ohio, I have confirmed that thru blizz

Alliance I was:

  • Kelaeria
  • Night Elf Hunter
  • Cannot remember guilds I was in

Horde I was:

  • Aermi
  • Troll Priestess
  • Guilds unremembered

It’s been ages but I very distinctly remember two people who helped shape my love of RP and the game:

Gerald (human paladin) and Chimahar (tauren druid).

If either of you are out there, I’d love to hear how you’ve been. :heart:

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AERMI! I remember you! And Chimahar too! Those were the days!!!

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Bless him for taking me under his wing to show me how to RP (and also giving me a very nice backstory to avoid having to use a trollish accent cough).

Sorry if I don’t remember too much or too many people, I had a stroke a few years ago and it cost me most of my memories. >< Hopefully with enough exposure some things may come back to me? ^-^;;


Holy cow. The memories!

Character: Galisdan
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Description - At the time I thought it would be a really cool and edgy Idea to play a blind rogue. Hind site… not so much!

Character: Halisdor
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Description: He was a bald Paladin (of the silver hand I think?)

Character: Ivellious
Race: Night Elf
Class: I honestly cant remember if it was hunter or rogue?
Description: Just a male Nelf. Dont remember much of him.

Unfortunately, I dont remember my guild names! I think one may have been called “Incubus Dreams” or something like that?

Jeebus, a lot of familiar names in this thread, also great to see some folks from RoA! I’ll be rolling on the only RP server come release day.

In case folks might recognise my other toons:
Retribution of Arathor
-Zachriel - Human Paladin
-Vlastarus - Draenei Paladin
-Vriyanne - Human Warlock

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Heya Rav, been a long time :slight_smile:

Rin!!! Zach here!!!