Xarathing, SOP, other random guilds. Ran with Sherock, July, Tanky, Vishay, and so, so, so, many other wonderful people I miss so much! I will be dedicated to playing Classic on their RP server as Alliance again. Reach out I will be happy to catch up with you (even if I didn’t mention your name…just so many!) p.s. I have LOTS of SOP pictures of a few gatherings and when we said farewell to July…sad day.
Peppurr!!! Tis me Xarathing, Krispie, Hollyanna… I have a few <3 SOP pics I will share soonest!!
Celthis ~ BM
Hunter of Acies
Edit: Got tired of people mispronouncing my name so changed it to an s XD
Also, consider this your official warning that the almighty Tree has never fallen!
Tree was great! I have fond memories raiding on this character in that guild.
Hey Katara! Howve you been?
Hey there. Hoping to see -all- of you join the RP server that will be in classic. I was Soreana, a NE Rogue. And Menthus, a human war. (didn’t really play much of him until BC) I was in The Resurgence for a good chunk, The Resistance, Shadowsong, and in Sisters of Passion. (Rest in peace, July; I wish you were here to see classic) I had an alt that were in the twink guild; Outlaw as well. Glad to see many of you from the good old days commenting on here. Especially glad to see Acies members coming together, I hope to see you guys reform in the new classic RP server. It was always a treat seeing your members, I will never forget “oo’ing” and “awing” over their gear.
I am in touch with just a few of my friends from back in the day. But I hope to re-meet some of you again.
Especially glad to see Acies members coming together, I hope to see you guys reform in the new classic RP server.
We will indeed be on the Classic RP server. Most of us have jobs and families these days though, so I doubt we will be spending the long hours raiding that we did back then.
I have been fantastic! You guys forming on a classic server? If so I may join ya!
Celthis! (This is Katara) I still remember our race to lvl 60 when Sentinels first came on…
Turin, Rogue from Acies
Jadestar- human priest.
Looking for anyone that used to be in Dark Dragon Guild. GM was Kekiyo, and some of the other guildies were Asildur, Whitelie, Daros, Moonz, Shadol, Daelyn, Azunai, Mischify, Erdris, Risenmoon.
Hello Everyone
I’m MySeries, and Bloodaxes!!
Played from before Opening the gates of AQ, till half way through Panda. I Came back around the last half Warlords of Dreanor.
DarkIron - Alliance: MyHuntress, MyRogue, MyWarlock, MyFelMage, MyDruid, MyDruidess, MyShammie, MyPaladin, PyPriest, KhoriumThong, MyIronPanty, MyDeathknigh, MyDemonhunt, MyMonk,
Sentinels - Alliance: MyMirage (shadow Priest), MyHuntress
MoonGuard - Alliance: SeraBloodaxe, KeiraBlodaxe, NikiBloodaxe
Hey dude! I remember you! The nostalgia is coming back. Someone put out the bat signal to me and told me you posted here looking for me. Good to hear from you! Are you planning on playing again?
Hear me, and rejoice! Tree has arrived to guide the lost acorns of Sentinels!
Rogue: Tizzie
Warrior: Klue
Paladin: Setri
The roots have dug deep. We’re back!
It’s too overflowing with nostalgia!
Character Names:
-Elesar: Nightelf Hunter
-Zanndrik: Can’t remember
-Kaizan: Nightelf Rogue (I think, I deleted him)
I remember playing with a player named Kaylay often, but I also played with two other female nightelves and can’t remember their names. One might have been Cirnin?
I’ve been looking for you.
Drahk - Human Warrior
been a while!
Swan here! Hope to see you running around!
Rhonis?! Where?! Someone tell him to click that damn cube!