Stolz! Don’t know if you remember! I played as Katara NELF hunter
Sivette! Hey there! I played as Katara nightelf hunter
[Alliance] Aellex (Human Warlock) - Retribution of Arathor.
Not seeking anyone specifically, but if you all don’t show up on the RP server for at least a week, you’re COWARDS.
Edit: Changed my mind, where’s STABRA.
Edit Edit For Stolz/Acies: please control your warlocks this time
What up it’s ya boy IRONSKULL
yall want a ham?
Shiawase from Retribution of Arathor here. I stopped playing a while back but it’s been a treat seeing old names pop up after A DECADE. Hope everyone’s been well!
I remember that vividly. I am terrible with names nut everyone alway called me that kid and made sure I did my homework. I was running dungeons with the person the night before so it was a moment for me when I was younger.
I remember you folks, you all were my first wow family! I will be looking for you all and see if anyone remembers little ol me.
I’ve been gone from the WoW community for about five years and it’s weird being able to post on the forums without an active account. Huh!
Anyways, hi. I used to play a warlock named Ravine. I was in a couple of guilds, but mostly well-known for being in RoA (Retribution of Arathor) as well as running the Sentinels Wiki for a time.
I’m planning to poke my head around in Classic with a few friends, though real life obligations won’t allow me to play like I did back when I was in my 20’s.
Shuh shuh Shiapet!
Colclasure here, former member of Retribution of Arathor. We’ll have to resurrect the guild for Classic.
Wild horses couldn’t stop us.
Gimme. My. Hat.
Well, you see…
Now that we’re going back in time to Classic, you can probably get your hat.
As the last surviving member of the original charter, I think you’re the only one allowed by law to remake Retribution of Arathor
Hey folks, Yvell here! (Human rogue)
I was in quite a few guilds throughout my time on Sentinels, including the Resurgence and later co-hosting The Scarlet Raven Tavern with Lacar and Akdenton.
I wouldn’t mind reconnecting with quite a few folks during Classic :3 I’ve been playing mainly on FFXIV since September 2016.
Technically I played on Sentinels during TBC and into WOTLK, not during 1.x, having transferred from Argent Dawn for a new start with the expansion once they allowed it. However, since TBC was my favorite time in the game, I may as well post
Was Aloaki, moonkin, and Aari, draenei priest (originally discipline, was talked into going shadow for raiding).
Was pretty exclusively in Temp Name during TBC, as an officer. I still love that guild name, and really wish when “they” decided to finally choose a name (because hey, it was only Temp Name because a name change was forced on it because of rules… and they just decided to keep putting off choosing a name) that they’d gone with Permanent Name like I wanted I honestly don’t remember what it became later, when I was on a break from playing.
I ‘fondly’ remember the “jewelcrafting wars” vs what I called the JC Cabal, lol. I could often be found as Aari advertising “Aari’s House of Jems and Jazz!” in SW, with all cuts for the same flat fee.
Sadly, the low pop of Sentinels made scraping people together for content difficult, and contributed to an extended 8 year hiatus for me.
Lorëva - Human Warlock
Officer of Morning Star Crusaders
I would like to reconnect with Kaldren, Friggowitz, Manistas, Thorodin, Morningstars, and any others that remember me from this guild
Quickbolt - Human Warrior
Guild: Acies
Acies was one of the best alliance guilds on the server followed by a guild called Nemesis. I really enjoyed my time playing with those guys and they had some really nice class leads.
Kellhus - Night Elf rogue
Guild - Nemesis…others as well but I can’t remember the names.
People I remember: Vothon, Adyas, Kiana, Kaydin, Settra - Nemesis guild leader, Rage, Senegon, Arcanis, with many more whose names I can’t remember.
Hey! I was Katarin in Acies, and Sarivana in Tree!
Also, consider this your official warning that the almighty Tree has never fallen!