Sent 5k gold to an alt and lost it all

Hey there,

I mailed 5k gold to an alt and when i retrieved it in the mail, it was lost.

I dont know if this info will be of any help. However, I created an alt, went into Exile’s Reach, and logged off to my main.

Then mailed 5k to that alt, who was still in Exile’s Reach. I logged off for the night before going into the dungeon in Exile’s Reach.

The next morning, I queued for the dungeon and finished it and processed to Stormwind. In SW, i rode to the mailbox and checked my mail.

However, I received an error message about not being able to retrieve my mail, something to that extent. I managed to retrieve only 5g out of the 5000 gold. I didn’t have problems retrieving a few other items, which were the Alliance Glider Kits (about 80 pieces of them) and also 2 Vicious Bloodstones (all these items were mailed from my main to this alt).

Only the 5k gold was lost in the mail.

I hope to get some help with this because 5k gold is a lot to me.

Thanks in advance.

Oh that would be annoying.

There are no GM’s here - this is a player help player forum.

You’ll need to submit a ticket to have a GM look into things for you. If it’s a bug you might also want to submit a bug report ticket too - either a ticket or make a post in the bug report forum. Either way, the QA team will see it and can start investigating too.


in the future why not use the warband bank to transfer items and gold?


Thanks for the replies.

Does the warbank cost money for the first tab at least?

there is a quest chain and the first tab cost 1k gold.


good to know ty.

By the way, its confusing to try to submit a ticket in the game. How do i submit a ticket?

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use this link then type out a short and to the point explanation.

like “I sent alt name 5k gold from main name but an error happened while trying to retrieve it and I lost it”.



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I do see your ticket open.

The only thing you did NOT list, however, is what character mailed - and what character it went to. You should be able to edit your ticket to include that information.


ok, thanks. will do that now.

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Are you certain you sent gold?

I see your balance prior to mailing a bunch of Alliance Glider kits - and after, and it didn’t change.

In any case, I do see your edit to your ticket, so the GM would have enough info to research this.


Surely i did. yes.

There are two level 80s mentioned in the ticket, please have a look at both their balances.

For your reference, and the GM’s, i actually named the subject “Gold” in the that mail and put in 5000. somehow i retrieved only 5 gold.


Did you accidentally mistype? I’ve done that many times transferring gold around. Miss a few zeros and boom.
Orlyia mentioned that your balance didn’t seem to change from when you sent the mail.


She already checked, at least from her point of view, on the matter.

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I think this may be exactly what happened. I misspoke slightly. The amount did change - slightly, not by 5k which is what I was looking for.

It went down 5 g from xx,007 to xx,002.


I dont know.

Maybe just forget about it.

The Blue confirmed that your main sent 5 gold to your alt. No more gold was removed from your main. It is still on your main. So it seems you typed 5 gold instead of 5000 gold. A simple typing mistake.

You have not lost anything at all. The rest of the gold you wanted to send is on your Main still.


Could have also been “5k” instead of “5000” which we’ve seen happen in the past, but same result regardless.


And of course, the entry field either allows you to type the “k” but then disregards it, or doesn’t allow you to enter the “k”, but the user doesn’t notice. Either way, the user is thinking “5000” and the computer only got “5”.


Pretty sure it’s this. It’s just a standard data entry field like the To: field, the search fields in inventory and bank, the text channel fields, etc.

But “k” is not technically a monetary figure so it likely cannot be read during the back-end function when that data request is processed, and thus just set aside and abandoned.