Sen'jin Alliance Reconnections

I was a gnome mage named Spadez, I rolled Horde on Bigglesworth and Alliance on Rattlegore if anyone is playing on either of those servers let me know.

I was in the Wolf Pack and then raided with Casual Gamerz for vanilla.

In TBC I raided with Liberate my Madness for a little bit, then raided with Volition on my Shaman, then back on my mage for a raid or two with Defiance.

The guild was Knights Templar or something like that, I believe

Hey! Sapqueenz here! I remember running Lost City of Tolvir for 15hrs to get that Realm First too! ROFL. I STILL hate running that!




< United Holy Knights > Alliance…(was present during Realm 1st achievement for Guild lvl25)
< Murloc Mafia > Horde

Wish I remember what my names were on Sen’jin…

Hitmanblack, Undead Rogue?

Played with my boy Rahikerahike, barboy, bobster. Good times.

Yazmin human mage

Tact,Casual Gamers,Grey council,non pareils, transfered horde to play with cape noctem.

Sup wilk, Spadez & I remember Allison to

Hey! I used to be in Azure Dragons with you. If I’m not mistaken back then I used to play Pseudo the NE Rogue :smile:

I remember Pjohn very distinctly, didn’t he have an INSANE amount of DHKs?

He did ! Highest On the server if not the US. I still don’t know what happened to him.

I remember your name. Though thats about as far as i got. Still nice to see old names again !

I am not any of those names but i was in that guild with all the french canadians :slight_smile:
Lacourge, milanor, rapace, etc …

Je sais que c’est pas milanor ou lacourge mais allo :slight_smile:

whats up distinct! I was in LMM with you starting it off! Cjh-hunter and Feltreon -druid

Hi Distinct!

Hi Allison!

Don’t forget Akar, Morelis, Veniche & Galina :smile:

Who can forget Satyricon and his wand on Vael :man_facepalming:

I might be too late for this, but I want to try and post anyway!

I was Certa, Human Priest, and I played in a number of guilds, probably two more notable were Legend Makers and Liberate my madness. If you’re from either please feel free to reach out to me!!

I know it wasn’t 2005-2006 but I was in a guild named Freedom Knights in Wrath. Not sure if anyone is here from that one or remember that guild. I was Treeb back then and I think I also had summerfreeze but im not sure.

I dont recall any of those people being in the guild

hey i just saw this! my old rogues name was loonykiller. I do remember you!