Sen'jin Alliance Reconnections

The one and only bud!

Hey what’s up Lath! Damn it’s been a long time.

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Mained a human warrior Lemmix. was in Casual Gamerz. even have our first lvl 1 hogger kill video. Miss Scour, Morgie, Solieque

Wildar - Dwarf paladin
Randaron - Night Elf Rogue
Looking for old guildies from Storm Callers and Cult of the Dead Cow.

whats up stoop! been a while

Hey Ninzy! I lost contact with Celora but would like to reconnect. Are they playing bfa? My bnet is Seldom#1901

I had forgotten about Dain until this moment but that is all coming back to me now.

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Oh cool, I remember you! Been a long time :smiley:

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Lathalien#1723 is btag

I was in legend makers I was a warrior my name was Amory. Sin was a legend at pvp and an awesome guild leader. I loved that guild .

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Looking for anyone from mercenaries of valhalla
i am the son of oldmanplay trying to find anyone who was tinking about playing -Alongtoo

The good old times in defiance. I miss all the old guildies.

I was also looking for anyone from Mercenaries of Valhalla. I was Vigarde back in the day. My tag is Housewyrm#1316 if anyone wants to add me.

Sup shadow !!! Covie Gnome Rogue - I was the one that was always naked in raids in Defiance !!

Hello old Defiance guildie !! I was Covie - Gnome rouge always naked in MC lol

Zorias#11825 Hit me up!

His bnet is ImWhite#1960 if you’d like to get in touch with him!

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OMH Div was great! Haven’t heard those names in a long time…

Sadly I’ve still not located any of my former Guild mates from Rapture. One last call for Pjohn, Treach, Twinklette,Xcongo,Braveeheart and even yes Elwinar. !

Sup, I was Ravendil the Rogue!