Sen'jin Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Sen’jin in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Okeydokey Dwarf Hunter Ah the beginnings…
Okeyphenokey was my Lock
Okeynecrokey was my DK eventually.
Guild… Dark Dragon Knights

Anyone from that guild around?

Drazhar Nelf Rogue
I cant remember the name of the guild.

main was
loonykiller NE rogue
the guild name LEGEND MAKERS, was legit i miss u guys
was also in rapture for a time towards the end of classic

Natsumi, Human Warrior

< Empire >
< Infinitum Knights >
< Circle of the Yeti >
< Precedent >
< Mercenaries of Valhalla >
< Your Face >
< The Unholy Rising >
< Reprisal >
< Mutek i>
< Grey Council >
< United Holy Knights > (I was there for server first level 25 guild)
< SummuS >
< Cult of the Dead Cow >
< House Atreides >
< Avenging Souls >
and about a dozen other guilds that aren’t listed anywhere, when you spend 13 years on a server you hop around a bit lol

Basically looking for anyone from Infinitum Knights or the folks I raided MC and ZG with. Thepojo is coming back for classic, if you remember him, look us up :smiley:


Kiaos Night Elf Druid
The Soul Society
United Holy Knights


Mostly anyone I knew from The Soul Society

character name was Torpid, fury warrior main tank and off tank

First Guild for vanilla was Sanctimony, then Redemption for a few years - we started on Eitrigg I believe and transfered to Senjin as a guild
lead/officers included Reknall , Wallabee, Ovylarza, Revan, Mons and more

In TBC I was also in Tact

Currently playing on Zul’jin on a character named puggins mostly… pst if you remember us!

Looking for anyone that was a part of the < Aesir > gang during wrath (I think most of you played here during classic as well). Tryllie and I are looking to get as much of the old gang back together as possible.

Sithes, Night elf Druid

Started as < Demonhunter Sucks >. Miss the old days. I was Sithes druid button masher tank.

Played a Shaman named Cowbert. Don’t recall the names of the two guilds I was in.

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Distinct, Dwarf Hunter.

I re-rolled here when the server first opened with a group of people from Moonrunner and helped form the guild: Defiance.

After roughly two years with Defiance I left and joined Nether.

Shortly after BC released I left Nether to raid casually with Liberate My Madness. I left LMM to focus on college and RL stuff.

I enjoyed every bit of my time in each of these guilds and the people that I raided with. If you knew me, feel free to contact me in game, I currently raid casually with an amazing group of people: Cult of the Dead Cow.


Pyxie, Human Mage
Scunner, Dwarf Paladin

I was in The Wolf Pack which later became Premonition. Some time later, another larger guild with the same name came in and bought the guild from us. Sad days.

Folks I remember - Britomart (night elf shadow priest) and Craenor (human warrior). Good people. I had a blast with them.

I played a night elf druid named crysalis.
I dont remember my guilds name, but heres a few people i remember:

Shinobiryu, NE Hunter
Taiga, Human Mage

Guilds I’ve been in:
< Storm Callers >
< Seven Nation Army >
< Azure Dragons >
< Dwarven Sniper Guard >

Hope to see y’all back in game!

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Felicio, Dwarf Paladin

I remember being in a Holy Knights? Or something along those lines. And after that I was in an Unholy Knights or something similiar lol.

DosX, if you’re reading this, come back buddy! I know you always regretted what happened but we didn’t care, you were our friend!!

Aimee, you were prolly a dude, but still, we had a lot of good times, would love to play with you again

Rainette, I still remember you and your son, don’t remember his character name and they said not to post IRL info

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Priory was the best guild.


Odett Night elf Hunter
Dargon, Dwarf Pally.
Guild , < Rapture > And a few others.

Where you at Pjohn, Twinklette, Treach, Elwinar, Xcongo, Braveheartt, Link, Myste, Izamysac, Barlok, Daddybald, Wickedgirly, Hit me up!

Glad to see another Rapture Player. Most of them quit After the Drama split.

Annointeone-Human Paladin. Guild Master of the “Knights of the Naaru” in TBC.
Herbsßgroovy-Elf Druid
Most of my other toons I changed/deleted/etc too much to remember. Until BC these were my mains.
Was in Guild, Grey Council, with my oldest son. Icemanrec and others.

Played with toons named Levi, Bamabama, CrazyMexican. Valnor and his family and friends. Talada, miss you girl.

Mjölnir human Pally, Nonnie NElf rogue
fellowship, Tiny Axe Gang couple of other small guilds
Took 8 yrs off, so i honestly don’t remember any names of anyone i played with. I do remember doing some runs with a Gytha and Palar.