Senior quest designer quits

Fresh fish, fresh fish!

Look, I was bummed to see art team members leave but in this case, I’m of the opinion that we need fresh blood in the quest department. The quests have been hit or miss these last two patches both in storytelling and in terms of reward. I really feel like Blizzard could be doing so much more with them and yet they aren’t.

Maybe new talent for once here will be a welcome change.

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the ‘old blood’ had the peak subs through MoP

once the ‘new blood’ took over all the numbers crashed and they sold gold in the cash shop to make up the margins

but honestly there are perfectly fine devs both new and old but their efforts are getting wrecked by leadership who only care about driving metrics that correlate to increased cash shop buys - it is just that the original founders had way more control

the game is literally antagonistic to its own players now with almost every system change


Great. Perhaps we will now get engaging quests for once.

Well good riddance if he’s the one who made the **** world quests this expansion.


Yes, and the quests in BfA were even worse. They’ve been on this amped-up “20 of those, 30 of these” pyramid-structure quests for a few years now and they’re just tedious and unengaging slogs. Add to that the fill-the-bar-1-percent-at-a-time quests and the so-called “campaigns” (which are basically just more “15 of those, 24 of these, fill the bar” tedium) and it’s little wonder I’ve only been able to endure the quests in this expansion and BfA once each, levelling alts via other means instead.

Compare that to WoD, where the questing was fun and diverse enough that I took 14 alts through it willingly, or MoP, where it was diverse, hub-based and plentiful enough that you didn’t need to do the exact same things every time.

Quests in Shadowlands and BfA are straight out of the Big Book of Outdated Time-wasting MMORPG Cliches.

That’s the triple-whammy of terrible, grindy quests, the ugliest zone in the entire game and ridiculous mob density and aggro range. I barely got through it the FIRST time, as it seemed to be actively telling me “you’re not supposed to be enjoying this.”



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You know, while not really a bad thing, there’s a key component to game design the experienced people can share and we end up in a never ending cycle of “been there, done that” while we wait for the new devs to repeat and learn from the mistakes of the elders.

Which is really annoying when you factor in you’re paying monthly for this.


Imagine people leaving companies after years of being there to pursue new challenges, it’s almost like it never happens ever…

There are a few new companies from ex blizzard execs and senior artists whom have started new companies lately.

I say they are recruiting talent.

the wow and blizzard teams are a revolving door just like retail stores. super high turnover rate. the only reason to work at blizz is to get the mark on your resume and leave

Says a lot about Blizzard if a company of it’s size and scope is unable to provide new challenges.


He was told HOW to make the quest by his boss…the one paying him…he didnt like it so he left…the man made plenty of well thought out questlines thru the years when he wasnt leashed by akteee

Oh no, who’s going to tell us to collect ten bear’s asses now?

“Waaah this game sucks and the devs are liars and incompetent and don’t care!”

developer leaves

“Oh no, the game is dying!”


so… no more poop quests in wow? :frowning:

oh no, the game is dying!

Sooo…this guy and a guy from the art department. How many is that?

collecting raptor heads was my personal favorite back in the day. The fact that the drop rate was so varied by the players made it about as fun as finding mankriks wife.


I know several folks who, if their employer asks them to come back the office, simply won’t, and will work elsewhere.

Blizzard is a souless corporation, so at the earliest opportunity they’re going to posit it as an ultimatum rather than continue to allow remote work, and that’s going to cause people to leave, 100%. And Blizzard will think they can get eager folks to replace them, but here’s the thing - Blizzard’s not the exciting place to work it used to be.

There have been a lot of departure from Blizzard in the past 6 months. This doesn’t feel routine. I’m not a doomer and I think this won’t have anything to do with 9.1 or maybe even 9.2, but we could see issues in 10.0 if Blizzard isn’t able to find solid replacements.


high profile devs aren’t leaving other companies in numbers like this. The team is falling apart, so I hope they figure it out soon, or this is going to suck for all of us.

I’m sure if bobby K has to come in and do the fixing, it’ll just be a mass hiring of activision style devs that aren’t going to do wow any favors.

it’s hard to be supportive right now because the current team appears to hate us…but I really don’t wanna see anyone else leave…the wow team needs to be expanding - not hollowing itself out :frowning:

i find it kinda funny that he said in his post that he looks forward to being a “player in azeroth again”

yeah…many people already have theories that the devs don’t even play this game and that’s partially why there’s such a big disconnect lol