Semi casual is purgatory in SL

What we really need is a Raider IO for attitude.


Yeah until a 180 hunter or a 180 monk out dps’s everyone in the group who has 190 ilvl.

no not really two dungeon quest and WQ arent that hard

and if they put in crafter’s mark III and IV more crafting gear upgrade

You don’t see the problem because you’re looking at your anecdotal experience and going “I don’t get why so many people are complaining when it worked out fine for me.” You forget LFR drops are also RNG based and you could walk out without getting a single gear and LFR has a weekly lockout. Also, LFR is full of elitists who don’t want to carry beginners either. How often is it that people start an encounter without explaining it and then complain about wasting time in LFR? Would have saved more time just talking about the mechanics for 5 minutes before a fight but LFR is just as bad as joining any random group that’ll vote kick you for wasting 5 seconds of someone’s time. Literally had someone 200 ilvl tank for m0 to help his friend and this one party member accidentally pulled an extra trash pack because he likely did not know shortcuts/skipping routes. The tank initiated vote kick 3 times throughout the dungeon and then rage quit when we refused the last time

You guys are literally gaslighting the OP and dozens of people complaining all about the same thing that they feel. When it’s this consistent, chances are it’s not a “you problem” but an objective problem to this demographic.


yes, of course there are outliers. on average inviting higher ilvl dps = stuff dies faster = more runs completed in the X hours you have available to play.

No, Dire got it right, I’m actually referring to anti-pruning. The shift towards passives and borrowed power makes things seem pretty meh.

Admittedly, the borked scaling likely would bother me, but there is no reason for me to go to those zones. My character is still going to be boring to play.

that’s not actually what I said. I said levelling is lacklustre, because there is no sense the character is getting more powerful. I also said the story doesn’t engage me. the characters are forgettable.

Honestly, virtually every design aspect, including the voice acting, just annoys me now.

Bascially, I came back to retail after 2.5 expacs, and found even more of the trends and mechanics that turned me off back then.

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which ironically, used to self regulate because we actually had a large gm staff on hand who was actively involved with the community. now its just robots handling most of the stuff and an underpaid, undertrained skeleton crew sending copy paste responses for the rest.

had some hunter spam a bunch of homophobic slurs at me via whisper in a dungeon a couple weeks ago because i asked him to let the tank pull. reported him, nothing happened from what i can tell. didnt even get the vague in game mail reply about it thanking me for my report.

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The problem is mythics as low as +5s where 180s can join and perform has a requirement of 190 and io score vetting. So the players you are gaslighting in this very thread are basically being told “Yeah you need to wait and invest more time by couple of weeks for you to make meaningful progress.”


I am playing alts until my sub expires in Feb.


its become a sad reflection of real life, the mmorpg equivalent of entry level positions requiring 5 years of experience.


Because no words need to be spoken in M+ really, not until crazy high key levels where kick orders need to be strict, and such.

As for if your tank is clueless, here :

These guys gotchu.

You’re right on that point. I feel like funneling everybody into stuff like mythic runs is because that way, they can justify making the zones smaller and more directed, and not “waste” resources on things that don’t relate directly to dungeons or raids.


So, you do less and want more?

While other ppl are pushing, you’re just asking for a handout. It’s a game if you cannot do it. Move along and do what you can or push yourself to do that content.

Do you believe mythic raiders were just handed the items? Do you not believe they started where you are now?

If blizzard does that items lose meaning and progression Becomes meaningless. Nothing would hold value. Just like single player game, do you want a dev to beat the game for you? Then why play?

It is like IRL if you want that nice job what do you do? You push yourself to get that nice job or you settle where you are. Slowly progress.

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lol gaslighting does not mean “telling people things they don’t like hearing”

This is not real life, its a videogame. People who view this game like a job should not be catered to or taken seriously in any way. Why? Because they will eventually push out normal people (read the majority that carry the subs in this game).

You keep talking about what you owed. Well why are you owed content on my sub? Pay more if you want more game. You are guilty of what you accuse others of.


… and another one missing the point spectacularly.

have some of you ever even played another mmorpg? wow barely resembles one at this juncture.



A game where you need to group up and somewhat communicate ?

WoW is pretty much that and only that.

And this is the real core issue. There’s a reason this game has been on a downward slope sub-wise since cataclysm decided to do a 180 on wrath’s casual friendly design. Do people really want to argue that subs dropping from a high of 12 million to barely hitting 2 million was intended design?


Well now you’re moving the goalposts. First it was “Maybe you should tell him about the numerous paths of getting geared”
Now it’s “Those ways of getting gear aren’t good!”
What I’m saying isn’t anecdotal either, I wasn’t getting drops, but I was spamming mythic 3’s and 4’s till I got ~193, then I moved up and now I’m ~209-210. The game requires time commitment, and even if you get no drops from your LFR you will still get things from your vault, and all the other gear Blizzard spontaneously decides to throw at players so they can catch up like the 200 piece you get from timewalking this week.
As for the “LFR and M+ are full of toxic elitists” he literally is in a guild. He can just run with the guild and if his guild wont run with him, just join a different guild or find people that are nice and will run with you, it’s not rocket surgery.

How far are we to extend this logic though? I mean, you’re 200 Ilvl, with a decent IO, did you get lucky? Did everyone above you just get lucky? What about all the people who are below you but are above OP, were they just lucky enough to get to the position they are? Or did they put in some work and do some keys and maybe put up with some annoying douches in their runs or maybe joined a guild or had a guild to run with and got gear like that?
I don’t buy that this is a fundamental problem with the game, and it’s not gaslighting OP to say that

Completing all the content each week because things are gated …

We are all in Purgatory in a sense. It seems a lot of people are losing their motivation for various reasons.

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