Semi casual is purgatory in SL

not everyone is comfortable leading a group. you know this. anyone with common sense knows this. it takes a specific type of personality to be a leader. theres nothing wrong with not being that type of person.

and uh… im not really sure what you’re trying to say with your last comment, frankly.


the tank leads the group not the guy whos key it is

I don’t think that is what they are referring to. And even if it was, scaling is a tool to make the end game outdoor content possible and I don’t think it should be sacrificed in the name of “arbitrary good feeling while leveling”

The alternative is world of dungeon craft

They wouldn’t exist had it dropped gear.

Remember when Torghast dropped usable gear outside of Soul Ash? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Well, if you dont know the pulls/mechanics why should you be included in a group of people who do? I learned M+ back in Legion. I understand not everyone played then and the barrier for new players now, but that sounds like they should get together and learn, get a guild, etc. Put in the notes its a “learning group”. I love joining end of the week “we dont care if we time this” groups that are advertised.

I absolutely agree WoW has a huge community problem in terms of toxicity and what is an actual reasonable expectation for a group (Ive seen the 200 ilvl requirements for a +4). However, there is some give and take between people who play a lot and people who dont, and getting to a place where everyone is reasonable contributing. It is definitely hard to learn everything about each dungeon, but expecting to get into groups without knowing anything when the dungeon journal and tons of free guides/addons exist isnt fair either.

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in an ideal world, sure. but ive been in countless groups where the tank literally doesnt say a word.


I think so too. Most of my response was meant to the thread as a whole rather than just you.

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I’m not talking about entire dungeons. For example: my husband is a tank and was absolutely BERATED the other day for not knowing some ‘new’ m+ skip that had been posted to youtube by a streamer a few days prior. Its this type of attitude that is a problem.


So a better response would have been to give him alternative gear paths rather than just tell him to do low mythics; you have the same people complaining about this saying it’s harder to get into low mythics still because their io score and ilvl aren’t good because all those party leads are following terrible advice given in forums where they make the group/want easy fast clears and inflate requirements for their own group to get carried. And I don’t know how it is on your realm. Maybe you’re lucky or the time frame you’re playing is just ideal/optimal for lower keystones. But keystones as low as 5 have people asking for 190 ilvl and 300+ io score. Which isn’t hard for me (200 ilvl, 500 io score) to get into but nearly everyone on this forum complaining will definitely struggle to get in.

I’ve also gone from playing 1 hour a day to playing 5+ hours a day during the vacation and going back to 1-2 hours a day playing. Sometimes not even. The difference is clear cut.

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i agree! but how is that going to work better in a random/matchmaker system?

It’s equal parts hilarious and sad to look at the damage meters when I run dungeons while leveling alts.

At level 10-15 you’re pulling 4-5x as much as everybody else, then you go to being out DPS’d by healers half your level spamming a single spell.


I think you are right on the money. The current design is completely oppressive for casual players, and solo players, but I don’t think this game is intended for that audience anymore.


That is a very real, very toxic problem. The WoW community has a huge problem with scale IE Anything that isnt the very best is garbage, and not being 100% on your game means you are trash. Those people suck and do exist, but add in something you can just queue for and then bail and get another queue only amplified that which I observed having played long before and after LFD was implemented.

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Locking your key to a certain level would be fantastic. I’m at like 194 on my mage and I honestly don’t want to do anything above a 6 on a Tyrannical week


well, thats the issue. i fear the m+ speedrun meta, the reliance on systems like have uncorked a toxic genie in a bottle into the community that im unsure we’ll ever be able to stuff back in.


Half of those people who have inflated requirements for mythic content need to get carried anyways so I don’t get the notion they think they don’t want to carry others. They’re literally being carried asking for 190 ilvl requirement for 5-7 content.

we get two pieces of 190 covenant gear tomorrow

and if you only use the covenant armor that 190 with whatever lego you are using plus it upgrades to 200+ so thats nice

other than sorrowbane i dont know what 180ish weapon/s you can get for your class/spec

Finally someone gives an actual alternative gear path. The only problem is anima grind is probably just as brutal as grinding out mythics and you’ll need a decent stockpile which you’ll only have if you’re a hardcore player with enormous time sink or you haven’t upgraded any of your sanctum upgrades.

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or they know they can easily get 20 applicants with that ilvl and that stuff dies faster when your group is better geared

Literally what I did. LFR drops 187-194 ilvl gear and you could literally spam low 3 and 4’s and get 190 easily, and ALL of these will give you 200 or more ilvl gear every tuesday so I don’t see the problem here.