Semi casual is purgatory in SL

You just told me a tank has no reason to speak outside of high keys.

That isnt communication. You may as well play a single player rpg with bots at that point.


This is essentially a M+ problem.

There’s the thing, stuff like that doesn’t really happen when pugging raids. Just take normal for exemple, it drops 200 ilvl, go try to queue for a group and you’ll see groups asking for 180 ilvl and you’ll get invited and you’ll probably down a couple of bosses.

But then you enter M+ and oh boy this is another world. +7 drop 200 ilvl so you’ll naively think, well, I’m a 200+ ilvl melee, shouldn’t be that hard getting invited in these groups. Wrong! you’re going to get declined over and over and over for HOURS.

Anyway, doesn’t really help that M+ aren’t melee friendly at all…


Yep, being in the middle in this game is pretty horrible.

You get the tryhards and their cliques stomping all over you, while at the same time you can’t be indifferent to your lack of progress like the complete casuals who seem delighted farming 10 year old mogs hours a day.


People need to just stop parroting this meta BS as though it’s the gospel. That’s the issue. Any moron can read on a website “Frost bad, Fire good” and then apply it as a blanket statement without any more thought than “popular streamer say fire best”.

The fact people A) see nothing wrong with that and B) actually try to defend people being ignorant and stupid is the worst part of all.


You shouldn’t, to be honest. If you’re not willing to put in the effort into doing difficult content, you shouldn’t get the rewards of the people who do put the time into doing difficult content, at any rate.

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This is why it is broken. Blizzard built a system where people allowed to be left out. They should be designing systems and content that lets the “left outs” a way to progress. This is also why Ion is the wrong person for the job, he cannot even see or understand “casual” players.


Fact of the matter is in ST damage compared to other specs I do fall hard. Especially given WoW’s current penchant for wanting a game that’s run and gun the frost mage kinda feels like a spec without a home.

The content would have to be a joke difficulty wise for this to work dude. If it’s not then it’ll end up like nzoth lfr did at the end of bfa. It was easier to pug it on heroic than it was killing in lfr - the completely random raid finder tool

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I personally feel that they should, BUT it should take longer. That’s why I love badge/point systems. Your mythic raiders could get upgrades a lot faster but the casual person can still get it, but like a month or two later. They aren’t excluded completely and still kept on the treadmill but need to put more time (or effort) into it to get the same reward while the harder content gives you it faster.


My Guild turned into a 5man clique that I want no part of as it ignores the rest of the guild to gear up in Toxic Plus farming IO score in desperation to be Twitch Heroes with 3 viewers as they all talk behind each others backs and claim they’re being held back by each other.

Leaving me in much the same boat.

Renown is bugged for some, I’m locked at 16 on my Pally so can’t even upgrade it 'till reset as the catch up is somehow bugged (meaning no Renown 17 to start chapter 7 to unlock it).

I’ve 2 alts at 189~ from pvp gear and it’s for the most part trash unless you’re a Monk and missing half the stats needed for PvE meaning as soon as you get into a group, you’re kicked from it.

Conquest is slow as heck unless you’re paying for it, or you know someone who doesn’t hate the abomination that PvP currently is and always has been.

The World boss drops 78~ gold, it’s extremely rare to actually get loot from it.

The one thing I can take from SL is not many are actually having fun, you’re either crying about loot in M+ even though you’re getting objectively more than everyone else, you’re being toxic as heck in M+ because that’s now acceptable behavior, you’re getting no loot from Raids and unhappy, or you pay for rated PvP carries then treat the entire player base with contempt.

Not seeing much point left, not seeing much Entertainment.


there is one. they can start a group. the “create a group” button is not part of rio and is accessible to everyone. you don’t even have to have rio installed to use it! just click it and accept whomever signs up.

also, sorry if i wasn’t clearer. they’re left out from that group because that group is limited to five players.

But why?

I am a Heroic Raider in a guild that has a regular weekly raid schedule that will dabble in early Mythic bosses once Heroic progression is complete and I don’t expect to get Mythic level raid gear until I’ve at least gotten my feet wet in that content (if at all).

I just don’t understand why people want the best level gear without stepping foot into the hardest level content.

As far as M+ goes, use your own key and make your own groups. Work your way up the ladder (so to speak) by starting with keys you’re geared for and moving into higher keys as you are geared for those. That would actually get you very close to the level gear you seem to want at the slower pace you seem to be okay with.

Again, I just don’t understand why people want “it all” without putting in any real effort to get it. :woman_shrugging:

If you want it, it’s available to you as quickly or as slowly as you’re willing to put in effort for. Without those “incongruous chores”, there would be no content for you to do at all; we all have to do them to get where we want to be as far as gear/content levels in the game.


Yeah, because most people by now understand what is going on. Do you need your hand held ? Learning time was M0s.

False, there’s more than just 1 way to communicate. Heck, putting a symbol on his head and symbols on mobs is communication. It just doesn’t involve words.

Bots don’t act like humans so no.

But the “left outs” can always make a group themselves and pick who they want. There IS a mechanism, but many just choose not to.


Yea, you really dont get it. Onto ignore you go.


Neither do most people in dungeon groups.



I’m at the same point I have to join an active guild and play more just to be revelant.

No I told you in previous post I went from playing 1 hour a day to 5 hour a day and was able to push 200 ilvl by being more hardcore. There is a notable slowed down progress at 190 but it’ll be weeks to months for less hardcore players with less time to sink into the game to make that same progress without luck.

And there’s no point putting in “catch up mechanics” for renown if they’re supposed to grind something like anima which is just as brutal. The point I was making was that you were just saying “stick to low tiered version of what you’re doing” instead of at least offering alternatives. You’re being dismissive about a problem you haven’t personally felt because of what appears to others as a “Since i didn’t experience it million others didn’t either.” It sounds a bit detached. Clearly players who are able to sink in several hours a day will experience vastly different experiences in this game compared to players who play 1-2 hours a day and may be interrupted at any time because of wife/kid aggro for 15-30 minute spurts.

I am in a dad-guild and I make more meaningful progress in a pug. is till raid with my guild because they are friends and every wipe, peopel afk for 15-20 minutes because of IRL stuff. So again… not a really suitable option.


What does the tank need to say, exactly?

He can mark mobs for kill order, not mark for AoE groups…no reason to say “kill skull then x” since that’s really common knowledge. If he marks something for CC, he could maybe type out “sheep moon” or something similar.

He is “leading” the path being taken. Just follow and watch where you’re going in case of skipped mobs. He doesn’t need to state “don’t pull mobs on left”, you should be watching where you’re going and following him.

He should be the only one pulling and should be familiar with affixes for the week to know how many groups can be pulled (hello Necrotic!).

Most conversation should be done prior to the starting the key, and you are (I would assume) perfectly capable of asking any questions you need answered such as CC marks that he will use for each party member capable of doing that or if he will/won’t be skipping normally skipped mobs, which direction he’s starting with, is there someone in the group that can utilize the covenant buff items, etc. Once the key is started the time for talking is over unless you’re in voice chat (which few PuG groups are willing to use).

I don’t understand what the issue is with not stopping to type paragraphs during a key. Communication is more than just typed/spoken words.

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And yet another one who doesnt get it, and cant be bothered to look at the context of the comment they are replying to before typing a 4 paragraph manifesto patting themselves on the back.