Semi casual is purgatory in SL

yes! the difference is that today the solid players/groups have the option of saying “no thanks, i don’t want to carry you”.

the people advocating for a new system want to change that. they want other players to be (a) forced to accept anyone, and (b) punished for leaving before the carry is complete

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I mean, good that you do it, but your experience is yours and the exception does not prove the rule.

Same here. Mine expires in 8 days so will check back at a later date. I’m not quitting wow like so many others say but I am putting a hold on my sub to see if future patches improve some things.


You can drop your key down if all you want to run is 2-4’s

I completely get where you’re coming from now. Yes, the use of business resources to fulfill player requests should be carefully managed.

Is this worth investment? Maybe not. There are far bigger issues needing addressed. Further, we don’t know how many people will quit because of the lack of access, or how many people will erroneously hang on to other systems or hope this change will one day come back.

It certainly wasn’t worth the investment to nerf dungeons or break LFG functionality coming out of Cata either. I think my concern is that they already implemented one system through LFG/LFR. Then, they implemented gutting it and adding two new difficulty levels instead, effectively “undoing” what they already did.

Brack was right that there is a group of players that like to click a button and get a group. The error is thinking that the same group of players also want everything easy, or don’t get tired of clicking that button and still end up unable to access an entire tier of content. The “Apply to Group” button is virtually the same thing with the “social construct” injected onto it.

In my original response, I actually recommend that the OP quit or become casual. I have already resigned that I won’t be able to access the content I want unless I “play that game” - and that’s “fine”. Though that doesn’t invalidate me from thinking the current system as a nuisance or generally unhealthy for attracting new players to the endgame experience.


I think that it’s good that a good group of players can say, “no thank you.”

I think it’s bad that there’s so few ways to advance your character in a meaningful way in the game’s current state.


you always had this option. you’ve always been able to hand pick groups if you so desired. the difference is, the community has become so narrow minded and toxic that anyone who doesnt spam m+ like its a second job is treated as if they are a ‘carry’ even in low keys, which is a ridiculous mentality.


I dont disagree with what youre saying, besides that I simply dont understand why the “Create Group” button isnt being used instead of the “Apply to Group” one.


Well first I didn’t say that casuals are bad players. Second, casuals do the exact same thing and use elitist as a catch-all buzzword for people who like to do challenging content regularly. And third, what OP is asking for is fundamentally at odds with the way the game is and should be structured.
He wants to get mythic geared while putting neither the time nor effort required to get mythic gear. He has this assumption that if he gets mythic gear, he’s magically going to be a great player and everything is going to become easier for him. But if he’s saying that the content is overtuned and his ilvl is too low, he clearly hasn’t taken the proper steps get prepared for the content he’s trying to do.
The level of keys wasn’t mentioned, but I’ve never seen anybody care about IO for any key <+5, and if they do, he can just push his own key. Like I don’t understand how y’all can’t just push your own keys, it’s the easiest way to farm IO in the game. AND he’s already in a guild so it’s not like he doesn’t have people to do keys with. So this really comes off to me as OP not taking advantage of the systems in place that already serve to help him get up to speed

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ultimately, not everyone is comfortable leading a group, particularly in the current climate where if you dont exit the womb knowing every new pull of every dungeon with photographic accuracy, you’re treated as an ‘incompetent carry’.

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Ha, fair. Also in my original response:

I think we agree more than we disagree.

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“because that doesn’t guarantee that I’ll succeed! I’m not asking for a carry, i just want blizzard to match me with players who will ensure the run doesn’t fail”

Things either interest me, or they don’t. There’s no “I want to enjoy this” for me, there isn’t anything shining at the end of the journey to make it worth while.

Pretty much.

so, because the game offers nothing worth my time, even as a way to kill time, I’m done in a couple weeks.


No, I’m referring to the impossibility of having new spells while leveling in every expansion.

actually, i think people just want to be able to progress through a dungeon at their own pace without being abused by other players for not knowing everything. ive lost count of the number of times someone has asked for clarification on a pull or strategy before we began a dungeon or admitted they werent clear on something, only for a random group member to cop an attitude about it.


No we didn’t. We got the negative but not the positive. Vanilla had a community around it and you knew everyone. We still dont have that in retail. Hell, I may as well not even know what server I am on let alone anyone else that plays on it.


Again, like how it is now. If it’s not RIO, then it’s the content being unrewarding considering time and difficulty due to the loot paradigm shift.

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im saying - they’re referring to the power of those abilities as you gain more gear and levels. mob scaling makes that irrelevant, and it feels bad.


people can already do this. start your own m+ group. put “learning run, not pushing, not checking io” in the description. accept the first players who apply for the appropriate roles.

and i hope you’re not suggesting a random group would somehow be less likely to have abusive people in it!

Well, if new spells is the only thing that interests you, there is the new covenant spells… What an odd thing to be only interested by.