Semi casual is purgatory in SL

This is a real problem as I see it as a semi-casual player. I worry that if the game did end up doing more for me, the calls for even deeper changes would be everywhere. A real snowball effect.

Purgatory is real in WoW, and it ain’t the maw.

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I mean I’m able to clear +10s by playing 1 hour a day. Just because people are casuals don’t mean they’re bad; no matter how hard WoW community argue till their face is blue. You’re just changing the definition of what casual actually means. Elitists use casuals as an insult because they typically no life the game and thus everyone who doesn’t sink in as much time as they do per day are considered casual players in relative terms. But definition ofcasual literally means someone who plays it irregularly. Chances are if they’re new players, they are mechanically bad. If they are old players, they just don’t have the time to play regularly.

I can tell you right now, as a semi casual player, I’ve experienced Nathria and high mythics just fine. The difference is I knew what to do while OP didn’t. Low keys and LFR are not suitable platforms for casual demographics because of the community. Low keys are heavily inflated in io score and ilvl that casuals find a harder time getting into groups without pushing/grinding out IO score. Which typically takes a while to develop. This is the slow grind chore the OP is likely referring to while not fully utilizing catch up mechanics using renown gear. If you’re giving advice like “Just stick to LFR and low mythics” you’re not helping. You’re doing more to hurt WoW as a whole by ostracizing a good portion of paying customers


I mean, I’m asking for the ability to get into challenging content on a random PuG basis. The problem here is the naysaying is pointing to “random” and calling it bad because of some future boogeyman or hidden virtue.


Idk, without typing so much, I just feel like Shadowlands is designed for the sole reason of more time played, more profit for Blizz, and that’s what matters to them


I agree with you.

It’s just a really tough nut to crack. I mean, in the end I think the only answer is to let subs like mine filter away. There is no good answer as even slight changes create a huge snowball effect.

I guess I think that opening more vault reward options is something that could work, but I don’t know what that would look like. I don’t want to hamper the enormous effort of time put in for top content by making it easily obtained through non-challenging means. That kills the desire to even do the hard content in the first place. I think you could possibly implement a system to get a piece of 200 gear from doing… something… over a week or two. But then I think that people would just whine endlessly that it takes too long.

FWIW the timewalking quest is a good type of solution, even if it’s a bit inelegant.


Thats all the game is now. Blizzard wanted loot to be more rewarding but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Being forced to run at least 2x more mythic content than BFA just to get a chance and decent loot is beyond boring.


roll a tank and spam other peoples keys until you get gear

That’s because you aren’t very bright. That is my classic toon.

Yeah, it really is. WoW lore has always been a mess, but this expac is just dull. I’m capable of writing better fluff. Before your retort - I actually write game fiction for a living.

The appeal of WoW for me was the gradual increase in abilities and spells, without it, there is no sense of progression.

I entirely skipped Legion and BFA, and only dabbled in WoD. I bought SL because my province is in lockdown, and figured it would hold my interest for a month. Nope, 2 weeks was what it lasted, and nothing I read about here makes me want to play.


All of this answer is correct. Literally purgatory right now is going from 171-200. That’s the purgatory. That’s because there’s a player created gatekeeping on content that’s labeled easy by most but yet somehow is still guarded as some really difficult content.

M0 No matchmaking–fine make your own group
Low Keys- If you don’t have a key for this good luck if you’re not at 190 with raider score of 700.


14 days left on mine. its increasingly clear to me that i, a former hardcore raider who has played since vanilla and grown up with the game, no longer has a place in ion hazzikosta’s version of world of warcraft. its sad.


It is? So am I not supposed to be having fun, then? Because I can distinctly remember having fun.

I feel like the biggest barrier towards me getting better gear is my own personal distaste for how Mythic+ dungeons are designed. It’s why I wanted Torghast to be a means of getting higher gear even if it was challenging. Before the nerf, I was actually having fun with it.

For all of BfA’s failings, I also enjoyed how Horrific Visions worked. I was really hoping Toghast would be them taking that idea to 11.


Oh this makes more sense.

Well, if you don’t get into any specifics you’ll force me to just agree to disagree.

Oh so in order for leveling to be interesting for you you need an ever bloating system with more and more spells… Sorry but this is unsustainable.

If you want to be interested in the game, the last place you should go is to the place made for people to complain.

Isn’t that the case now?

But why? We got classic for that.

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I hoped for this as well. the speedrun meta isnt for me. i loved the concept of torghast – a dynamic, ever changing tower with challenges you had to approach with thought, patience, and planning rather than the gogogo speedrun mentality. i hoped it could replace m+ for me as an avenue for gear, one i actually enjoyed. but here we are…


I mostly agree. I think we get a 200 Ilvl item and a 213 item from just timewalking/4 m0s a month. A chest with choices weekly even for a failed to time run. If this was fortified with a badge/token/currency based reward at a slowish pace that would be pretty reasonable. They also should just let more pieces drop in the first place at this point. I liked the concept of the less loot experiment, but even I’m just doing 1-2 runs a week now and I LOVE M+ as a content type.

2 - 4 and io being judged? Lmao

I take ilvl 160+ with me into mythic 2 - 4 it’s easy

i believe they are referring to the borked level scaling still present in bfa mobs and many of the past raids. Level scaling mobs is a concept that is antithetical to mmo design.

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shadowlands doesnt resemble classic in any way, shape, or form other than level. the devs really misunderstood why people enjoyed vanilla in a major way.