Semi casual is purgatory in SL

I think 213 is a bit more than Semi. I think most causals are actually between 180-200.


Lol this entire conversation can be boiled down to:

The poors are getting something? NIMBY!


What’s important here is that the request is something to work towards, even if it’s at a much slower pace. A long set of stuff to do to get a piece of gear is worth logging on for, and mythic raiders can acquire it at a much faster pace. I think that’s the balance that’s being discussed here.

More vault options would work, too. As it is, the only requirement a lot of us players can achieve with certainty is the LFR piece of the weekly vault. You could have options for gear for, say, 5k honor that award a piece, not just via rated PVP. That’s not what I’m saying is the best option, but I hope you get my point.

It’s not about keeping pace with the top players at all. It’s about a carrot that let’s you get a slice of it so that when you log on you have a reason to be on. Its my personal roadblock, as I want to do so much more, but can’t be sure that the time investment will pay off with anything in the end. So I choose not to, because other ways to spend the time doing other things (in or out of the game) I can be sure is well spent. I hope that makes sense.


That’s the issue, pre-WoD, you could do your own thing, and feel like your character was progressing on it’s on. Now? You are forced into instances for stuff like professions.

I’m out of game time in a couple weeks, won’t likely buy more in the near future.

I don’t like the on-rails narrative. Leveling is dull without getting new spells and stuff. The story and writing are lacklustre.

Admittedly, part of my issue is that my system is old enough I’ve stalled at the Ardeweald part of the campaign, my system can’t handle teh zone, I can’t load into it, so I’m roadblocked.

It’s not that I can’t afford a new system, it’s that SL isn’t worth upgrading for.


Yeah, casuals. OP is not semi-casual, he’s full on casual. Nothing wrong with that either. Dunno why so many view casually playing WoW as some kind of negative or insult.

I said I’m semi-casual. Just shy of semi-hardcore.


Imagine comparing playing a video game to a professional/amateur sports. This is pretty much how elitists in the game who think everything is fine views themselves in their inflated ego lol

The better comparison is not allowing fans who don’t know enough about the game from attending to watch a game of football for example. He’s a paying customer; there should be suitable platforms that cater to his demographic; and if you don’t, these people will eventually all leave. Considering there are more in that target demographic than there are elitist/hardcore players, they carry WoW’s survival/sustainability more than the hardcore players do. It’s essentially why WoW switched from a massive timesink that was Vanilla>TBC to what it is now.


the problem is… unless you have a super high ilvl… you arnt getting into a m+ group. period.

unless you run your own key… dont need any gear from the de other side? too bad!.. run it anyway and hope you get a key for the dungeon you DO need…

it’s a stupid system, rofl

and makes gearing for a semi-casual dps INSANELY difficult, tedious and frusterating


That’s a good analogy. People always forget that knowing about football helps your team play better.

I think Semi-Hardcore is a better term there.

Semi-Causal in my mind is going into M0-M8 and not leaving that area. The higher keys are for more hardcore players. Causal players aren’t even trying M0.


Where were you guys 4 weeks ago ?

Serious question. Everyone started at the same spot on the gear ladder. So where were you guys when the getting was good 4 weeks ago, and anyone could pretty much get into any group as no one had IO or gear ?

Are you complaining you missed the bus or something ? Get up earlier!

Nah, I’ve played the semi-hardcore and hardcore scenes. What I’m doing now is much more casual. And that’s fine I think. I needed a break from the insanity.

More like hanging around 10s-12s at this point. Semi-hardcores are clearing their 13s-14s and hardcore doing 15+.

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It has nothing to do with the team winning. Again, this is a fallacy. He’s a paying customer. He’s part of the audience. If only people with coach-worthy knowledge of the game was allowed to attend as a paying customer, there is no team or a stadium to perform to play said-sport. It’s as simple as that.

Stop comparing yourselves to the actual team playing and performing. You’re not. You’re paying subscription for a service/product; which is to participate playing the game. You don’t need credentials to play this game and semi casual players aren’t bad players; they just don’t have the time available for a time sink game. And guess what; majority of WoW’s former hardcore customers are in this target demographic because they have kids, jobs, and a family



we didn’t no life to 60 with no sleep in 9 hours…
we have lives, jobs, families… priorites outside of wow…

also alot of us didn’t even get to 60 until like week 2-3

smh… this kid…


This only applies if you are doing something for money, like national football teams, or in the case of WoW, Mythic+ Tournament play.

In a game like WoW EVERYONE is playing for fun, no matter if they consider themselves “hardcore” or “casual” or somewhere in between.

If you ain’t making money off this, your argument falls flat.

I don’t agree. I consider myself “semi-casual” (somewhere between completely casual and hardcore) and I wouldn’t consider doing anything over a 10 right now.


Are you sure about this? I played through Wrath and I don’t see how you could easily progress without a group there.

Sure, see you in a few weeks.

Every video game narrative is on rails, unless you play a game that branches out a bit, and even then it remains on rails. If you want off rails go play D&D.

Hum… ok…

Is it?

Oh ok so you didn’t even finish leveling… but you are posting on a level 60… I’m confuzed.

Whatever you say mate, its your money.

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Does that mean that 4 weeks ago you weren’t playing ?

Because that’s not semi-casual. That’s full on casual.

Neither did I. In fact, I didn’t even take off this expac, I worked my hours in the day, and only played during the evening, and went to bed same time I usually do.

I’m 42.

Nah, that ain’t it. It’s about knowing how much time it will take to get it going versus the time you have to invest. In the end, I’m sure a lot of players like us just don’t engage as much because we see our time as worth “X” and don’t want to waste it.

It’s too much of a crapshoot. Say you have 1.5 hours to play on a given night. You may get a group rolling and come away with some rewards, or you may spend all of that time wasted spent playing with the very same players that people whine are ruining keys. You’d be surprised how paralyzing that feels to a good chunk of players. If you have 3 to 4 hours a day to play, you can take that sort of risk with the knowledge of some cushion.

People know and complain endlessly on the forums about never getting invited to an M+ run, or conversely starting a run that never launches as players filter in and out. You’re not wrong in your perspective, but neither am I.

The more I ruminate on this topic, the more I begin to think that the core issue is that getting rewarding content to even start to fire is just an incredibly irritating barrier. I don’t know how to fix that, and it isn’t on you or other players who are working in that system to fix.

I guess I don’t know how to play WoW anymore.


I’m a regular player here (which I feel is in between casual and hardcore) and I’m having a great time in SL. However, I don’t Mythic, Raid or do Rated PVP. There is still alot I can progress in and achieve.

The regular (or semi-casual) player interests can span a wide variety of in game components. You are a semi-casual Mythic and it’s unsatisfying. Is there nothing else in the game that interests you? I’m upgrading my legendary, going for mounts, Random BGs, increasing that Venari rep, following the Covenant campaign, and upgrading my Covenant hall. It keeps me busy and satisfied at a couple hours a day, every day.

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There are. Low keys and LFR. Not a slight btw, just how it is. (Or I guess if you’re semi casual, medium keys and heroic raid)


Why is it so bad to have challenging content? Most players don’t want a challenge, they just want gear; there would inevitably be calls to nerf M+ if there were ever a queue for it, and anyone who disagreed would be called an elitist.


That is a much more reasonable take on it and slightly a different issue. I do agree if you play for 1.5 hours there should be a reasonable reward (assuming that time is towards specific content IE laps around oribos not included). There is a very valid argument right now (even contrary to other posts ive made on the subject) that M+ does not reward the time spent beyond the first weekly vault. Thats a worth conversation to have.

What I dont think is valid is saying blizzard should implement a system to bypass an issue that is 100% community driven. The only thing the game does that is a barrier is the timed aspect and difficulty. Not getting to a group is a social construct I would hope they would stay hands off of besides selling runs or RMT.

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