Semi casual is purgatory in SL

lol i know if i saw the deadmines loading screen i’d be zoning into one of two situations:

  1. everyone standing at the entrance, no tank.
  2. at the entrance to the foe reaper room, joining a group that was recovering from wipe #9

you would be surprised…

it will be a learning curve yes… and it will weed out the super bads…
but a LFG tool will also allow you to quickly replace people who drop/get kicked…
= less failed keys due to forfeit as well


Did you even read the OP Full post??
OP literally states he wants to be able to get mythic Ilvl gear from easy content at a slower pace.


Maybe. But right now, the content is equally inaccessible.

This is the sort of gatekeeping I think everyone here is asking to fix.

They why, exactly, are you so opposed to the idea of letting them try it, and then arguing then, when they conjure these phantom calls to nerf?


Literally this all can be based off off the ratio you complete at, the speed, and your highest key so you’re not playing or matchmaking with people who aren’t your skill level.

Seriously power in players hands in Thempark MMOs is abusive. Remove that power and the game becomes more enjoyable for all.


I mean, it IS an issue. There are a lot of players in this boat, and there are several ways to make it work out. You could implement a tiered LFG queue tool for certain levels of mythic with Ilvl reqs up until at least 10 or something. IO score helps filter, but if we’re honest, your chances of nailing someone down who performs to that IO score are middling at best.

So yeah, it sucks. I want to engage in harder content, but am time-strapped. My extra time to play the game is valuable, and maximizing it has become a real chore.

The answer you get in a lot of these posts boil down to “find a guild.” Maybe I’m missing a key tool or something, but my experience thus far as been pretty terrible. The guilds that do open invite are generally stuffed with bad players and a group or two of good players who simply run with each other. Open recruitment spam in trade results in even worse samples.

So you spend a lot of time trying to make it work within your limited time frame, and often times come away having spent several hours a week doing nothing while trying to do something. When you do finally do something, it’s a coin flip if it results in success.

It sucks, a lot. At first I thought maybe I outgrew the game, but in the end I realized the game outgrew me.


I wouldnt be. I did lfr last week and wiped on Inerva twice despite explaining orb mechanics several times and they were explained by several people. Sure some would be successful, but the majority would absolutely not.

edit: How do you suppose a timed run is going to get a random replacement? How about if you zone in after the timer expired?

You’re full on casual on that Warrior my dude. Semi casual is where I am about.

you mean like the ones that happened when Cata heroics were “too hard” for random groups?

like the ones that happened literally not even a month ago because Torghast was “literally impossible”?

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Go back and read the post.

If you don’t push the end game content you don’t need end game gear.


You can upgrade your covenant gear with anima.


You can buy upgraded gear off of the vendor merchants in Oribos on the rep vendors.

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And what is your metric for determining someones skill level? Ilvl (people crying about that in this very thread), Previous key completed? RIO (el oh el)?

Im dropping out because I have no interest in arguing if you think youll be successful assigned complete randos to content more complicated than a heroic dungeon.

Make your own group. You cannot be denied from your own key.

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Both of those reasons happened because they saw players leaving in Cata and players not doing Torg. In both of those scenarios those actually effect how the game generates revenue. Your solution is to effectively call for the game to generate less profit for the sake of difficulty.

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That was a decade ago. Also, find me where I post that I thought Cata heroics were too hard. You won’t.

I want access to difficult content without the gatekeeping. I am happy and comfortable getting bad groups, and rolling with the punches, because there’s plenty of good casual players out there to fill in. And with a good priority queuing structure it’s made that much better for everyone.

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imagine trying to flex in a forum chat for semi-casuals…
how sad and pathetic do you have to be… rofl… smh


Its not gatekeeping. I have a key, its my group. You have a key, its your group. There has always since m+ existed been a way to make sure you always are accepted in a group.

OP, I advise that you quit, with the expectation it will be permanent. What you are seeing is an inherent consequence of a game that prioritizes serving the best players.


I’m not flexing, it’s literally where I am. Barely started doing Mythic, not yet AotC, just farming some M+ and PvP.

Keyword : semi. OP is full on casual.

Imagining thinking “casual” is a pejorative term.

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It seems no interest was had in having a conversation from the onset. I’ve already outlined such system above. Your attempt at being polite comes off as insincerity. Thank you for disengaging.

that gatekeeping exists because the content is difficult. if you’re fine wiping for hours on fortified trash, okay, but the casual player base as a whole is not, and they will be here crying for nerfs in no time.


There is no conversation happening anyway. Its people who cant be bothered to do anything besides be sad they werent invited to someone’s party asking for way to be forced into one instead.