Semi casual is purgatory in SL

I am very VERY lazy… lol and yet I regularly out dps everyone I group with both as a tank and on my dps…

once again… lazyness is not a measurement of skill, lol


I consider myself pretty casual; the entry level keys are pretty easy at sub 190 item level, just make your own group. I did mine with all group members in the mid 180s.

Mm, you’re right. So silly.

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Did we? What is the wrong spec, I was not aware this was a thing.

Oh, so because players don’t want to group up with inexperienced or undergeared players, that means pve content is now a job. Why don’t you get a group of friends and stop complaining that random people don’t want you around?


Ya because its only available for LFR and heroics. If it wasnt 90% there would be a significantly different issue going on.


yes, only because it’s virtually impossible to fail normal/heroic dungeons.

remember random cata heroics at launch? lots of them failed. the screaming on the forums was legendary, and they were nerfed.


you are 200+ ilvl… you wouldn’t even use this system except maybe on your alts…

how would this change even affect you? lol


Heh, some of them even failed before they started because some players just didn’t want to do them.


Similar state here. I like to run m10s, I feel like you arent getting the full experience if you arent at that level…but gearing has been a bit rough.

I thought it was just me then realized no one else I knew had managed to snag a weapon either.

Because a ton of players quit. Your solution is essentially let players quit we’ll be fine without them? Meanwhile WoW sells a ton of expansions, gains some subs, then loses them over the course of 2 years? Then MOBAs, and BGs just walk in and eat more players because they have a means for players to access the same type of gameplay experience?

It’s like you’re the owner of the niche swanky resturant and instead of adding chicken fingers to your menu or lowering your prices you’re like nah we’ll limit seating capacity and raise prices!


I dont have any worries about having to use it, I just know from seeing how well people organize using it in its existing form, compared to whats needed for the content I do run, and know its a disaster waiting to happen. There is a reason LFR bosses are completely destroyed versions even compared to normal and yet STILL harder due to lack of coordination.

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Even most of us raiding and running m+ are not mythic geared or even close. Maybe expecting too much.


So how has LFR taken from your raiding experience?


Why are you straw manning? It doesnt. I said as much. Im advocating against it because all its going to do is increase posts about how runs are impossible and call for nerfs. I am a staunch supporter of LFR existing.

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I mean… there’s gonna be bad players ANYWHERE you go…

I very regularly see people who don’t even know the REGULAR DUNGEON mechanics in mythics… a LFG tool or going to the stone… nothing is going to change that…

the only thing this WILL change… is convenience for some… and the actual ABILITY to get into groups at all for others…


It’s been a job for years. Raider IO is just LinkedIn for WoW, though.


And then some player’s solution is to just leave rather than try to communicate, or at least read the adventure guide.

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so your contention is that fancy restaurants that don’t serve chicken fingers have all gone out of business?

Im not really sure what youre trying to argue against here. I dont see a situation where a randomly thrown together group is going to have success in difficult content. Im not arguing literally any other point.

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Well during Covid–yea.

Meanwhile McDonalds still is chugging along.

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