Semi casual is purgatory in SL

I am looking objectively. Your argument is that people cant get into pugs because of their gear. I am offering a way to bypass that entirely and you keep going back to how they can’t get into other peoples groups.

edit: and Ive already said in this thread I would support a supplemental system or a reversion of the m+ loot nerf, but if youre stuck at 180 at the moment that isnt going to solve the actual problems theyre facing.

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As I’ve said multiple times throughout this thread – not everyone feels comfortable leading a group. Especially new players, and especially in the current climate where not knowing everything is treated as a personal failing and judged harshly by much of the community. I am not sure why this is difficult for the ‘just make your own group’ critics to grasp.


I quit SL faster than BfA. Such a shame. I enjoyed the story, but as a casual solo player, I just can’t get enough gear. And need to gear to do anything.

Sick of only ever getting tiny amounts of amina from WQ. Can’t progress through Toghast (haven’t tried since last changes), although why even bother if all I get is a currency I don’t use.

The game just isn’t fun for me.


I had to learn the dungeons at some point. I pug more often than I guild group. Im not sure what to say besides at some point you do actually have to know what youre doing and put time and effort in for success.

Try this. Go put up a group for a +10 key lookign for DPS. Look at how many people apply. Now extrapolate why a 180 geared toon isnt getting into those groups. It has nothing to do with “elitists” and everything to do with 100+ applicants within a SECOND who are better geared than the last one. No amount of catch up is going to solve the problem of there being less group leaders than followers and less experienced people than new players.

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this is the exact same for lower keys too… hell even m0’s… lol

if you are arn’t WELL above what the dungeon even drops… the group leader won’t even look at you, rofl… this is the main problem DPS have with the system as it stands now…

people are holding out for the 190+'s to carry them through, rather than taking the people who actually NEED the gear… it’s a vicious circle.


Man do you have some problems?

Anima = all the way to 184 at moment in two weeks ilvl 200. Set pieces

Honor = 184ilvl gear at the moment

Conquest = 200 ilvl gear

Gold = gear BOE in almost every slot range from 1- 226ilvl

Rep = 200 ilvl gear

Crafting all way to 235 ilvl one piece.

TW raid almost as easy as LFR gives 200ilvl

LFR= 187ilvl

RBG u don’t have to win just get honor get vault slot of 200ilvl plus

Vault gives you a goal to progress and pick items. M2 run 10 times gives you above 200ilvl 3 chooses. LFR gives a choices as well.

If you cannot get gear then it’s a you problem.

Then of course if push just a little do maybe normal raid 200-207 ilvl plus two more slots for 207+ ilvl

If push a little bit on m+ 213ilvl.

What cannot you not see gear is there if u play?

Renown dailies give 184 to 200 ilvl sometimes…

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It has never been soo good to play the game casually though.

How low? 171 is fine, you can always go in a more demanded role and make your own group.
You are in a bad spot if you are pure dps though, try finding people in trade chat in the same situation you are, i did in my rogue and ended up with friends.

Not true. There is basically no difference from m0 to m5 there is no reason a 171 char couldnt do it on time.

That can happen yes. i aggree it sucks.

Just do rated content, you can literally get 1800 in rated battleground with a 49% winrate. Combatant is pretty ez to achieve, so is challenger for heroic level gear. All you need is 20% vers.

So am i.

You will get full convenant gear soon, ltierally tomorrow, and can be upgraded to 184/200 i think thats good enough and solve most of the issues you described for a solo player.
Handing out high endgame gear just because isnt a good design imo. Whats the point of doing said difficult content if i will get such a gear anyways? Thats the whole reason they removed TF

you still haven’t explained the advantage of making a run take longer by inviting people who (on average) are going to take more time to kill stuff. what is it? what am I missing?

The Devs? The Devs gave us legion. No. It was some players that did this. Vocal players that complained about loot not being meaningful, praising classic as the “way loot should be” or crying about wf/ tf/ m+ invalidating raid loot.

Don’t blame devs. Blame players that whined about “casuals” else getting a tf from lfr or a wq.

??? And you would have been 30-40 ilvls lower than someone raiding Sunwell or heroic ICC.


My point doesnt change. If I put up a +2, 100 people apply, and 10 are 180, and 40 are 200, why would I ever choose the 180? If the group sets the actual requirement as 200, it wouldnt even show up to someone under that, so that isnt the case here.

no one will, that’s the crux of the problem…
it’s a “rich get richer” scenario…

people are ALWAYS going to look for the easiest/fastest way to do something… and are only going to invite the high ilvl’s who are only going to get more geared, making the gear disparity even greater, and making the chances for any “lower ilvl” characters near impossible.

the only way to fix it is to FORCE people to group with these people, via a LFD tool. this ensures the people who actually NEED the gear, have even a CHANCE to get it… as of right now, they have pretty much a negative chance of getting into a group…


No offense to you at all. I understand wanting good gear, however this isn’t realistic. Whats wrong with ilvl 190? You are geared enough to do anything at that point really.

Torghast is np questing is np even raiding normal is np. Maybe I am misunderstanding something.

I play SL for different reasons. The gear is a afterthought when it comes to playing through the story. I treat LFG as story mode at this point for me. I still do dungeons just to socialize and such.

I will say this: They need to add more rewards for Torghast. A chest should exist that drops gear with upgrades within your ilvl. Maybe add most weapon drops from Torghast? The Maw is just a place full of chores that I barely do all together. I go in and do the weekly and that’s it for me with the Maw. I have 4 characters so I spread my times evenly.

Sorry if this is wordy just trying to paint a picture how it can be fun even if you have ilvl 190. I never expect to be geared like a mythic player being that I don’t run mythics raid or dungeons. Those folks deserve some ilvl separation for their effort.

wait, why do 170 ilvl characters need a 200 ilvl group? can’t they run the content with the other 170s?

i honestly appreciate that you’re being open about what you want, even though we disagree.

Doesn’t great vault give you 200ilvl gear for a mythic 2?

i mean… m2 is barebones stuff and super casual imo.

id say shadowlands is perfect for the semi casual player.

Honor from pvp (which you earn so easy win/lose) gets you to 184 if you wanted… semi-casual feel.

There are options. Sorry.

this isn’t for me… I am a tank, I have no problems getting into groups :stuck_out_tongue:
but as a fresh out of heroics DPS… its VERY difficult to find groups to gear past that… unless maybe its like a sunday/monday bottom of the barrel kind of thing…

Forcing people to group with people is never a good idea if the content isnt a guaranteed success. M+ isnt even when you have full control over the group. This is absurd of a suggestion.

I mean… to be fair… I don’t think you should be able to que for like a +5,6,7 at 170 ilvl, that’s kind of absurd… I think there should be ilvl tiers in place for the different m+ key ranges… but it shouldn’t be near impossible to find a low m+ group or even a m0 group at 170 ilvl… that’s just crushing and frustrating beyond belief to a fresh out of heroics dps

This is the source of almost every GD issue. Stop Pugging and many of the problems in Shadowlands go away. Not all but most.


There are no tiers right now, its 100% community driven. Even if you set brackets up its completely unworkable. Do you just go +3 ilvl per +? What happens if someone leaves? How does that work with a timer? Does the ilvl scale change based on the affixes? Oh its nectrotic week, need a +5ilvl tank.

Its a complicated and moving system that in no way would work with a queue system. Its the reason LFR is completely nerfed versions of even the (Edit: Normal )heroic bosses. You still wipe regularly in there. M+ is significantly harder content and has no business being done with a completely random group. The very basis of LFD only works because the content is so trivial it doesnt matter.