Semi casual is purgatory in SL

This outcome is fine. But if the reward should be commensurate to the risk…

Dude, they wouldn’t even let me join the local team. They should pick their players by a queue system, not by experience shown by playing past games.

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I read all of your conversation with whoever that guy was from the start. Please enlighten me on the context I’m not understanding. I’ll wait.

I spammed 10 M+ last week and 0 upgrade.

you’ll be waiting a while, because you’re going on ignore like the other dude. bye now.

Watching =/= playing.

I’ll happily invite you to a low level key without experience. You have no hope joining higher keys without having shown that you understand the content.

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unfortunately, you’re the exception, not the rule with this attitude. somehow the average ilvl demands for a basic +2 or 3 increases exponentially every week.


What I’m saying has nothing to do with my own anecdotal experience. The point is that there are many avenues for gearing, but people aren’t willing to put in the work to take advantage of them.
I’m not talking about renown catch-up, I’m talking about catch-up items. This week’s timewalking rewarded 200 item level gear, and 2 weeks ago you get heroic raid level gear from doing 4 heroic dungeons. There’s no luck involved in any of this, you literally just have to do it.
And I understand that some people can’t play as much as others. But it’s an MMO, and it requires time investment. One has to come to terms with that fact and the idea that if your time is limited by IRL factors, you won’t be as geared as someone who has more time to put into the game.

Could you imagine what the ilvl requirements would be for most lfg grps for heroics if there was no ilvl 155 lfd? You’d be seeing 160-170 ilvl requirements.

Why do you play with others? Why play monopoly? Why play anything if you get I win button. Even single player game solitaire will not just let you win. Why? Because it would be boring.

Every game you play with others you get a winner and loser.

If Blizz gave loot out like BFA ppl will stop playing. It’s kind of like if you played monopoly and I was the bank randomly gave 500 dollars because your not as good as the other players. Do you believe they want to continue playing with you?

Umm…no. People are playing this game, not watching others play it. Comparing this to watching sports rather than playing them is, well… Silly.

If you want to watch, there are streamers everywhere. Feel free to spectate. If you want to play, get some experience for the content you want to be included in. There is a “little league” integrated into the game (it’s called M0 thru M+3ish).

And there are suitable platforms that cater to his demographic. The game has low level content, ways to gear up to get into higher and higher level content, and allows all players to participate in any content they desire by giving them options to both create and join groups.

What more do you want?

And? The entire game caters to “that target demographic”.

casual solo player here.

Is that not decent?
i honestly dont know, lol.

As a dps you will have to apply to alot of groups before you get in. I have no idea what my Raider IO is but I can get into 5’s and 6’s with enough trys. Even my hunter who is sitting right at 170 has done a couple of mythic dungeons now.

It would help if you would post this on the toon in question. Can’t really give advice when posting on an alt.

Semi-casual don’t do M+. Period. If you are keeping up on your renown, you are getting ilvl 184 stuff now. Imo, very casual people only put in a few hours a week, mostly on weekends.

loot is not why people stopped playing during bfa. loot dropped from the sky like candy during wrath and the game had its most subscribers ever during this period.

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Make your own group that’s entitled: chill group for ______’’

+0 pretty easy to run yourself no? 1 clear will give you a 2.

Week lockouts kinda suck.

i just dont run m+ period unless my friends ask me to come. even if i make the group myself, some toxic clown always sneaks their way in to make things miserable for all. but i feel for those who feel m+ is their only real avenue for upgrades.

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/thread imo

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