Selling in-game BoE items on eBay?

While looking around eBay, I ran into an auction for a BoE item in WoW. The seller had it listed as a “loot card”, which it is most definitely not. (Link to item can be provided to Blues, if needed.)

I was going to report this item, but couldn’t find a category to report it under on eBay’s site and eBay’s policy has only vague restrictions on needing to own the IP rights to the digital item you’re selling. (But with no obvious way to report people selling things they don’t own.)

Is this something against the ToS which I should be reporting to Blizzard? Or is selling in-game drops for RL money in a grey zone of the rules? I hate seeing this kind of thing happen and would love to report this person.

Selling in-game items for out of game money is very much a violation of the rules. You should indeed be able to report it to e-bay too. If they provided any details, you can e-mail it to too. Maybe send them the link to the sale.


I believe Ebay has an option to report items on their site.
It may be worthwhile to contact them as well.


This is what I was thinking, but all I could find was a kind of “reporting tree” with a bunch of options that didn’t apply to the auction. I’ve never reported an eBay auction before. Do you know how to get to where I can report it?

I will also e-mail to that address in case someone there can act on it.

Unfortunately, I haven’t “e-bay’d” for years now :wink: The e-mail might be your best option right now.

How to report an item

You can report an item to us by selecting the button below, or directly from the listing using these steps:

  • Go to the listing and choose Report item, which you’ll find next to the description and shipping and payment options.

  • Select the reason from the dropdown menu, then Continue.

  • On the next page, fill in any extra information, and select Send.

Looking over the menu options on the Reporting Item page, I would suggest the following, based on their Digitally Delivered Goods Policy ( )

Report Category: Listing Practices
Reason for Report: Other Listing Practices
Detailed Reason: Digitally Delivered Goods


I took this advice, since it seemed best I could find in the menus. Sadly, it really is only reporting the item for being listed in the wrong category, not for being against their rules to sell (the seller doesn’t own the IP copyright).

It’s kind of obnoxious how many of these auctions are up there, though. I haven’t been on eBay in a while and auctions for in-game trade-able items are all over the place.

Agreed. I noticed a LOT of them while I was looking at eBay earlier.

Will use that as well. Thank you for the idea!

Looping this in for posterity, since @Kalviery just said that it’s probably better not to use that email.