Sell me on Deviate Delight

I’m wary about the ability the community has on enforcing their restrictions and I’ve heard plenty of drama already. Change my mind. Feel free to post all the Pro’s and Con’s. I won’t debate it, I’ll just absorb what opinions/info I get. :slight_smile:

(I can’t stop you guys from arguing among yourselves though obviously)

Tons of people are having fun leveling, doing dungeons, and low level pvp in the open world.

It isn’t perfect, but worth trying and if you enjoy it keep going :slight_smile:

If you did try it, what race / class would you roll?

Tough choice but I’ve been wanting to try Orc Warrior just to experience the Hardiness stack.

I was a male orc warrior in 2019 - Warmeow!

I usually play Paladin or Shaman for Horde equivalent. Used to be a Rogue main! But I can’t deny the appeal of Orc Warrior

just a heads up if horde is anything like alliance there are ALOT of warriors

There is a strange feeling being an orc warrior on fresh.

You are so powerful, and can lead groups through any dungeon or group quest and it is max zug.

However, when it comes to low level world pvp - even with all your power - basically everyone bullies you xD… but sometimes you get a big item and a power spike that makes it all worth it.

The experience is worth having if you haven’t done warrior on a fresh before.

Yeah I don’t doubt it.

Did all the warriors get tired of waiting to be powerful in SoD and just return to Era?

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I know Warrior scales better in the end game for sure. But that’s why I’ll probably start out with Blacksmithing to help out with the initial hurdles.

You may get further with mining + engineering, but if you’re really committed blacksmithing can do cool stuff, just hard to get those recipes often.

They do scale great with good gear at any level (so like whirlwind axe or random blues you may get can transform your gameplay).

When it comes to preparing for raid it is pretty straightforward and there are lots of available guides. It is tons of fun to get pre-bis for a warrior because it is almost all dungeon grinding and since you can tank them, making groups is super fast.

If all your worried about is making sure everyone is following the “rules” then it’s not for you. It’s the general idea of fresh, yes. But, overall the community is just the best WoW has ever had; fresh or not.

I mean, if I’m going to be honest if there’s enough pro’s to outweigh the con’s. And it’s enough to where like, I’m not going to question why im logging in (more than usual)? I’m open minded.

I, too, rolled a warrior on - Deviate Delight, a couple weeks ago. I’m level 47 now, and while it’s just as much as struggle as I remember back in '06. It’s a good struggle. The community aspect of the game is definitely there. It’s, honestly, not the same as it was back in the old days, but it’s pretty good.

Would I roll warrior again? Probably not. There’s just not enough healers. I’d probably have started a paladin and wore the dress from time to time.

I make the conscious decision to wear a plate chest because I refuse to wear a light blue dress. Simple as.

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oh boy…you brought up the dress…dont you know how much that offends paladins players pride by mentioning the dress?

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Here’s what I’ll tell you (briefly).

1.) Generally, people love warriors for raiding because they do a lot of damage and can tank.

I won’t tell you not to roll warrior, just know there appear to be a lot of warriors per the census done on DD and you will be competing for equipment.

Rolling warrior (if you are competitive) generally means PVPing at some point for gear, because your PVP gear is good in PVE. You don’t have to, but know that a lot of warriors will PVP for the gear to use in PVP and in PVE raid progression.

We’re not currently using PVP gear in PVE if your adhering to the phase structure that’s currently in place, but eventually PVP gear will be used in PVE.

If you do not PVP and get items like the HWL armor/weapon - just remember that Classic WoW raids don’t drop a ton of loot. There is a finite amount of loot…which means Raid Weapon upgrades do not come regularly.

Back in 2019 playing a Mage, I did not replace Mageblade until Naxx when I replaced it with Wraith Blade.

As a warrior, your weapons are a big part of your damage and competition for those weapons will be fierce.

If your knowledgeable about the game you already know this, I’m just reminding you.

2.) I do not recommend that you go Blacksmith.

Simply put, you are coming in a few months in and it’s certainly not too late to start fresh on DD.

That said, you will eventually be joining a raid guild, and any established raid guild on DD has Guild Blacksmiths already.

Unless you want to torture yourself and grind Blacksmithing up yourself…utilize other professions. You’ll almost assuredly end up being a Blacksmith with less or potentially no rare recipes.

Our guild’s blacksmiths got funnelled. They are Blacksmithing as a sacrifice, because they are dedicated to the guild and picked up that profession to make armor or weapons on behalf of the guild to assist with aggregate progression at the expense of themselves. Most of them were provided with raw materials for free (lots of them) to help them more quickly level it up.

3.) If you are looking for a class that people on DD are going to actively want Horde side, I would say roll Priest.

They give excellent group buffs. They are a favored healer in general because of their healing ability and shield. It will be easier to find groups (unless your a warrior who tanks) - and even then it’s close.

There is not a glut of Priests at the moment Horde side. I cannot speak for Alliance.

If you need this level of convincing, why not just skip it?


Why should I?

Play there, or don’t. There are lots of options for WoW right now and nobody is making you play any or all of them. If something sounds appealing, do it. If you have reason to be wary of it, don’t do it.

Only you know the answer of what you want to do.

SO not that you should’t look for some feedback, but you will never get an unbiased opinion, and honestly people expect and will want different things. If you’re looking for a more fresh type experience, try DD, but realize you will get out of it as much as you put in. Thing is wow is an easy game to play, you can simply create a character, join one of the horde guilds there, and see if you enjoy your time, if you do, it was worth it, if you find its not for you, which you likely would before you hit level 20, quit and move on to something else, you don’t really lose anything by giving it a shot.

That said if you prefer big crowded servers where you can always find a group for everything, your options really are Mankirk or Whitemane if you want to do ERA.