Self Guided Tour quest to complete the Nazmir assult is bugged (Video)

On EU the Nazmir assult is currently active but It cannot be completed on the horde side because of a bug that doesn’t allow you to loot the Alliance Strongboxes, when you attempt to loot it just gives you an error “There is no loot”
Here is a quick video:

Multiple people have said they are having the same problem on general chat.


Still broken on US servers, 8 hours later. I managed to get one, from a box on the aftercastle, by the gyrocopter, but no other.


Just now I got a quest intro message as though I’d just entered the quest area (in fact I’d been in it the whole time) and after it a few chests were lootable. But then the rest weren’t. I think what’s happening is each chest is lootable by a single person per reset cycle. Maybe every 10, 20 or 30 min? :stuck_out_tongue:

Never done the WQ til now, the none of the chests were able to be opened.

I got to 3/6 on the chests and could not get anymore.

Horde US Illidan player here. No joy on any of the chests, even after killing the required NPCs as part of the quest first, and leaving and re-entering the zone.

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Horde US Wyrmrest Accord player, same for me. Even did the rest of the stuff in the area, reloaded UI, etc. etc. No joy. >:[

US smolderthorn as well. Other players are saying each chest has an ~1min respawn to provide loot.

Still bugged, no word from blizz. Another day in beta for azeroth

nice to know that Blizzard are right on the ball when it comes to world quests that are bugged. and when i say right on the ball I mean completely ignore any and all bug reports about it.

Beta for Azeroth? more like Bugs for Azeroth

Same in Area 52-US and my hunter cannot have a pet, it disappears a soon as I call it

Same NONE are able to be looted… Shadris

Blizzard needs to fix their game

Same, none are able to loot the chests

Add another one to the list…cant loot the chests

Ayyy, same here! Also, my pet falls through the airship immediately after summoning.

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I’m pretty freaking tired of Blizz’ sloppy, mistake-ridden content. If they were screwing up on purpose and daring us to unsub, I don’t think it would look any different.

Same here no loot in the chests :angry:

Wyrmrest Accord, unable to loot any of the chests at 0537 PST on 12/16/18.

…At least there are four other quests to be able to do.

also really bites if ya die on airship, no way back to corpse to rez, poor design