Seeya pals!

Sub about to expire.

Problems with SL have been beaten to death on these forums, so won’t rehash that.

I wanted to say Just in case I never return, thanks Blizzard for the 16 years of gameplay. Its been real.

Cya WoW pals.


Cool man, see you in 9.1


I figure with Blizzard’s street cred currently played out and the state of the game the see you in 9.x ain’t gonna fly this time, Fenny.


Seeing as how the game is in the best state it’s been for years, I’m going to have to disagree with you on that.

It’s so weird, I have never seen such a disconnect between GD and the majority of players before. Literally everywhere else, Shadowlands is loved. GD would have you believe it’s the worst expansion ever.


Shadowlands is awful imo. I think I may let my sub relapse until next patch, and I haven’t done that in 15 years.

I hope you come back and find enjoyment OP. :heart:


Story feels like it’s puppets on strings and we can see the strings.

There’s no real reason for this expansion without forced Mary Sue Sylvanas written in fanfic insert developer hand wavium. These two sentences cover the same thing.

As far as actual quests go, there’s none I’ve found off the roads of Ardenweald, save one item, and in Bastion there was ONE quest I was able to find off a road.

There’s no WORLD in the Shadowlands zones.

And I think Bastion could have been fit into Teldrassil about four to six times over.


Ah, we are debating whether a 4 month old expansion is a failure or not.



Happy trails


Sylvanas is not a Mary Sue.

I will agree that I don’t care for how the realms are laid out. I enjoy feeling like I am part of a world, and you don’t really get that with Shadowlands. It’s fun to play, but it’s not my favorite expansion.

/Passes microwave, yer gonna need more bags too, here ya go.

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Have fun in whatever other games you find.

If you like drawn out gameplay to annoy you, AOE cap, weak story, forced Sylvannas taking the lead for a while now(I hope we get rid of her in 9.1), M+ or Raid or don’t bother playing, ect style of play…sure. Also the anima grind is truly horrible on top of all these power systems and forced covenant picks for powers over transmog.


Seya, pal!


Take care I hope you find a game much more to your liking :slight_smile: :grinning:

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Speaking of which Turgin, my work is over for the day, so I hope you have a good evening doing whatever it is you plan on doing. I’m about to go hop in game and have some fun :stuck_out_tongue:

I love that you posted a Big Bang video, OP. :grin:

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Have fun on your new adventures, friend! Wherever they may take you.

Leveling zones are empty for me. People are only logging to raid and do weekly vault.
Torghast is extremely boring and deserves the name choreghast.

Cross realm mythic raiding is open but wait raid lock outs basically mean u can only do it once a week unless u stick with the same group.

Content boosting is at an all time high.
The game is punishing casual players

You loose power progression when u change covenants. I honestly don’t know why u can’t freely swap between covenants. It’s horrible game design when u punish players for trying to play different covenants.

I don’t think the game is at its best. I think it’s only feels good because it isn’t bfa. I think legion was way better. Wotlk was peak for me.

P.S this is my opinion and not a fact just like how it’s ur opinion that the game is at its best right now


It’s in it’s best state in years based on what? Nobody knows exact sub numbers or anything else because Blizzard doesn’t tell. Sure, people make estimates from trying to collect data, but that isn’t 100% accurate.

Also, it’s not just GD forum here. I see it being talked about negatively on other forums.

It’s losing it’s credit. People can only come back so many times before being fooled too much.

WoW isn’t dying anytime soon, but it is slowing down more and more each expac.


9.3 if the promised legion scaling fixes this (or we break the scale by gear, which ever they go with here) could see some me like come back.

Assuming by fixing they’d don’t need mythic 20+ dungeon or mythic raid gear from 9.3 to do it.

Story? You tube shows that. I can see all the cutscenes and movies to come till 9.3 on hauling nights in eve.

dont forget to like and subscribe for the next content patch or follow it on youtube