Seeya pals!

So I guess you don’t go on Mmo-champ :rofl:


Not likely. Last vid had me go ugh…

I still have yet to work out reasons, besides its in the script, a prisoner of the jailor gets archon access without a debrief and evaluation.

Escapes the maw full battle kit and does not raise any eyebrows (even uther as a prisoner is stripped of everything and back in basic garments).

In full battle kit. Very enhanced like frostmourne level battle kit. Bolvar would have picked this up if Uther did.

Because he is a king? Its the shadowlands…that AND 5 gold will buy a cup of coffee. KIng optional, brokers want that gold really.

Good luck, man.

I’m pretty confident we’ll be able to solo Legion Mythics by the end of SL like they said but by then the new hotness will be “why can’t we solo BFA Mythics” :slight_smile:

You’re lucky
i got 6 months left and they wont refund the time

The juice isn’t worth the squeeze for me anymore either.


Later gator.

If anything people leaving at this point should return for at least 9.2.5 or 9.3 all together… unless they somewhat save the garbage storm they have right now with their systems in 9.1 (doubtful) it’s better to save money by just resubbing 1-2 years from now.

Good luck on your next journey, OP.

Interesting as I’m not seeing this opinion anywhere. My friend’s list is completely vacant


You really think so? Good one Ion. News for you it’s not. Bots are what is keeping this game alive atm.


I say SV and Eastern Plagueland are both bigger then all off SL.

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No debate it is the worse Xpac by far Since this once amazing game started.

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dont forget to like and subscribe for the next content patch or follow it on youtube

I’m with you. Letting my sub expire in April once it runs out. I’ll be back. But the current state of the game is bad.

I’m sorry, we’ve given Ion now since WoD to “get” what players want. He hasn’t. He keeps doubling down on really weird systems and designs that aren’t fun. Downtime has gone up. mindless travel has gone up. the gameplay has slowed right down in the world.

Every zone feels like it’s just a disneyworld ride on rails. it’s all linear story telling without much else in the world. heck, in Zones since WoD, you generally can’t just go whever you want because the pathing is so hard between mountains and valleys that you’re always stuck walking the same paths.

Simply put, until Ion is gone as head dev, this isn’t going to change. But I still love my WoW world and once the next patch is out I’ll prob resub then. Heck, if there are even some hotfixes in 9.0.5 added to bring flying, or allow me to go farm BFA/LEgion content easier I would (But the scaling is also broken)

SL amazingly has turned out worse than BfA.


lol…the best state its been in for years…imagine truly thinking this as a reality.

I guess Fenny rides their rainbow unicorn home after a long day of work at Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory as well.

Since we apparently are living in a fantasy world.


And now there’s no juice. There’s no juice for people who need the juice, I need the juice!

Person on dead server: “My friends list is empty. Game is bad and dying. :cry:

I honestly don’t know why you spent the last six months on the forums complaining about a game you don’t like. You’ve literally allowed it to live in your head rent free.

Like Jesus dude, go outside.

I use to think this way until I started actually paying attention. One of the top posts on the main wow sub with millions of users is that SL is just bad.

Numerous articles all over the net written by reputable long standing companies chime in on the glaring issues that SL has introduced. Comments in anything Blizz or WoW related across the internet are all almost always glowingly negative.

Even in-game chat is often full of players who have lost faith in WoW but continue to play.

This isn’t isolated to GD anymore, it’s pervasive, it’s on YT and being spoken about by influencers who otherwise loved the game etc. Players in game (including myself) are starting to feel the impact of player retention issues because we’re seeing our friends/guilds list empty out after only 4 months after release. It’s not a good sign.

The worst part is, many of these issues we see today are artificial, they could have been avoided, but the devs just aren’t listening to anyone. They have a vision of WoW and unfortunately the last 2 expansions have finally proven - that vision isn’t what the player base wants.


Been playing since 2005, and for the first time since that time, every single one of my close real life friends has unsubscribed.

There have been periods where individually we have taken breaks, but never like this with every one at once. Granted, it’s a small group, but I still find it interesting.

Shadowlands is not a good expansion, despite what the deniers claim. Maybe I’ll see what 9.1 has in store, maybe they make the valor system not complete trash, maybe they don’t. Starting to not care. I’m finding other games to occupy my time with, not going to bother saying what they are. Sub expires in a few days.