Seems like self healing is a bit out of whack

A shaman complaining about this is pretty rich. I’ve seen Enh heal to full in an instant cast heal multiple times.


ya you need to spec for it tough through multiple talent but basicly you need to healtotem , flame shock , then spent maelstorm i got some 300k heal ez in my pocket.

I’d like to see DPS lose a decent portion of their self healing if possible…

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Yeh basically this. Gotta place the totems, gotta have 10 maelstrom which is a lot more than 5 GCDs, gotta spec into… 8? 10? talents? Just for healing? If you want to heal to full from near death it’s all that, but 3 times somehow. I guess you could pool maelstrom, use the full heal combo, then waste your primordial wave and do another 10 maelstrom heal. You’d have to flame shock in the middle though. Even that wouldn’t top you though.

dk is CRAZY rn

i can’t see them not nerfing will of the necropolis
probably not right away but around the 0.5 patch in like 8-12 weeks

fury warrior self healing is straight busted rn lol.

spriest self healing actually feels good for a change though so that’s nice.

Honestly I think Spriest healing feels strong, but balanced. I think their damage is a bit insane, but they feel strongly balanced overall. Solid damage, solid CC, solid survivability. They are all around what blizz should aim for all the classes. I’m not a fan of mind games sticking around, but that’s just a matter of healers not being a thing in skirms to dispel it, so you just have to rot for 10 seconds or you kill yourself. Which is an eternity in double dps 2v2 terms.

spriest is on the lower end of overpowered in terms of damage and that’s simply because there’s too many better specs out there currently. it does need nerfs, but it’s not a priority compared to the likes of evoker, dh, etc.

i could easily be biased saying this, but every since the fiasco that was season 4 legion, shadow priest off healing has been among the weakest of all the hybrids due to the simple a lot of its important utility also cost mana along with healing and pwshield. VE was also pretty mediocre too unless buffed via a talent that directly competed with stronger disperse.

sp damage being so high, at least dp, is a direct buff to self healing. on top of us having easy access to buffed vampiric embrace, and having flash heal instead of shadow mend again (diff school). just better now. can also spec into renew and mending too again.

People who defend DK, DH, and Warlock sustainability are eternally fried.


I needed a skirm win on my lock today and survived for 2 minutes after my healer died into dh/demo/rsham

idk how anyone defends that class


If you want a free HK in a BG just train the Mage…No self healing. Damage is so high even in full Honor gear Ice block is the only thing that will keep me up…but it just prolongs the inevitable Stun, Blink, stun/Delete. All melee have so many DCD/gap closers these days…Kiting just ends in eventually running out of options.

honestly pisses me off that i have to invest so many talent points to make healing surge do slightly more than 10% of my hp.

Baseline even with 25% increased self heals from surge, cant top myself with my entire mana bar.

Doing nothing else but opening my nature school and using an entire mana bar for 40% of my hp

While other specs do more with their normal rotation while having multiple fall back defensives/passives.

What balance

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I’d trade Shaman defensives for mage defensives any day. XD I was a mage main for 2 expacs, they are a bit weaker than normal, but still perfectly viable. Fire excluded. They’re a strugglebus.

DK does less dmg while healing themselves unlike dh

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Thank you for proving my point.

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unless im missing something we have a 2 min cd in exhil, 30% +20% hot if we talent it, how is that overkill

Mend pet counts for healing
other than that i legitimately have no idea what you people are talking about. hunter got more defensives but it was not healing

Fortitude of the Bear Tenacity Ability
Unlimited range
Instant 2 min cooldown
Requires Hunter (Tenacity)
Increase the maximum health of you and your pet by 20% for 10 sec.

Maybe he used this as well? But like its a tenacity pet ability which means you give up Mortal strike Master’s Call (ty Reimmi) for it, which is why noone uses it, and probably why noone thought of it either.

Masters call but yea, there is tenacity pets with MS like the hippo

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Yea, and my spriest also needs 4 or 5 casted flash heals to do the same thing. Good melee will just tunnel me and not bother knocking me out of healing holy spells because they know once I’m done with those 4 or 5 flash heals, they can continue beating me to a pump by countering my shadow school so I do little damage.

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